5 Top Profitable Resources To Analyze The Amazon Marketplace

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Written By Gabe Nelson

As an Amazon seller, it can be a little overwhelming to figure out how the Amazon marketplace is working. Sometimes trendy items take over and you are left wondering if you should list something new, or stay the course.

It’s a difficult thing to figure out on your own. If you haven’t been selling on Amazon for a long time figuring out the market can be even more difficult. 

Luckily there are resources out there to help you figure out and analyze the market on Amazon. You can use these resources and tools to figure out if your listing is optimized, and to help decide if you need to list something new.

There are even tools like Amazon FBA fee and profit calculators to help you figure out what a listing will cost and what profit you stand to make from it.

5 Top Profitable Resources To Analyze The Amazon Marketplace

If you’re wondering what profitable resources you should be using you came to the right place. With this list, you’ll be able to narrow down what’s out there and see some really helpful resources.

Before you make any changes to your listings or decide if you want to list something new, keep reading. These are five resources you need to help analyze the Amazon marketplace. 

5 Top Profitable Resources To Analyze The Amazon Marketplace

1. Amazon FBA Fee And Profit Calculators

The Amazon FBA service is a great option to use as an Amazon seller. You are banking on customers trusting the Amazon brand and extending that trust to the products they fulfill themselves. It’s a really good bet to make.

Amazon FBA sellers get to take advantage of shipping items more quickly, and even using Amazon’s customer service. 

Figuring out the costs of using FBA for your listing can be tricky. Instead of guessing and hoping the numbers work out, it is better to use an FBA calculator.

An FBA calculator will give you exact numbers on how much your item will cost to list with FBA, and give you a price suggestion.

The calculator will figure out a good spot between too expensive and not turning a profit. 

Before you change anything on your current listings or list anything new, start using an FBA calculator religiously.

The competition on the Amazon marketplace is fierce and leaving your listing costs and pricing strategy to chance is not a good strategy.

With the calculator, you can make informed and effective decisions. It’s really a resource you can’t afford to not use.

2. Jungle Scout

If you are considering listing something new, or even just jumping into the Amazon marketplace for the first time Jungle Scout is a great resource.

It helps you analyze sales trends and look for possible niche items that aren’t being drowned out with competitors yet. 

If you already have listings on Amazon you can still use Jungle Scout to your advantage by making sure your listings are optimized.

Jungle Scout can help with keywords and show you what competitors in your category are doing as well. The more information you have at your fingertips the better your listing will be. 

Using Jungle Scout for market research and keyword help is a great idea.

It is not always easy to see sales trends on your own. It’s smart to use a helpful resource built specifically to analyze the market and help you make good sales decisions.

Just like with FBA calculators, this type of information is too vital to leave to guesswork.

3. AMPM Podcast

AMPM Podcast has a lot of valuable information for Amazon sellers in general. They also have an entire episode dedicated to analyzing the Amazon marketplace and how your competitors are doing.

There’s a lot of things to glean from this podcast. It’s run by Manny Coats who has created his own suite of Amazon seller tools and been involved in e-commerce since 2009.

A podcast from someone as vetted as Manny is extremely useful, especially to sellers who haven’t been selling as long as he has.

The advice given about analyzing the Amazon marketplace is something you should take to heart. It is clear he knows what he is talking about and using the advice of those who have gone before you is always a wise decision.

4. Splitly

Once you have your listing decisions made and you’re wondering about optimization Splitly comes into play.

Sometimes you might be stuck with confusing questions on why your product isn’t selling as well as you’d planned, especially if you’ve done your research.

If you know your product should be performing better, it’s time to analyze each part of your listing.

Splitly gives you the chance to change individual pieces of your listing in a mock environment. It shows you what would happen when you make a change on your listing.

It’s a safe place to move things around, adjust pricing, change keywords, and get immediate feedback. Because you aren’t making live changes you don’t have to worry about risking anything while researching your changes.

Once you’ve figured out which parts of your listing are causing a stall in your profits, you can make changes that will go live.

Splitly just takes the risk out of adjusting and fine-tuning your listing, giving you a chance to be as thorough as possible while optimizing things. It’s a very helpful resource for any Amazon seller.

5. Your Competitor’s Listings

Don’t discount your competitor’s success out of spite. Their listings can give you a lot of highly useful information.

You’ll be able to see what keywords they’re using, what kind of reviews they’re getting, and compare pricing with your own listings.

All of that is information you can use to better your listings and try to beat out the competition using their own playbook. 

Instead of getting frustrated with someone outselling you, use their success to your advantage. See why their listing is doing better and make changes accordingly.

Eventually, you could beat them out because you’ve taken their strategies and made them your own. 


Amazon really is a vast marketplace and finding resources to be helpful can be a little daunting. There are a lot of sites out there claiming to be helpful that may or may not contribute valuable information in the end.

As you’re researching the market on Amazon keep what you’ve read here in mind. The resources mentioned are extremely useful. 

Once you’ve made some decisions and have a listing in mind don’t forget about the resources mentioned for after you’ve made a listing.

FBA calculators and Splitly will be highly helpful as you continue to grow as a seller.

It will take some extra work to stay up to date on market trends on Amazon but it will be worth all of your efforts when your profits start soaring.

Invest the time now so you can enjoy the benefits later. When you’re raking in the big bucks you can take a vacation and really enjoy it.

You’ll definitely have earned it by then. Good luck and happy selling!

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