10 Highly Effective Product Marketing Strategies that Works

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Written By Casey Floyd

Who doesn’t want to be an amazing future marketer and have a fat paying job? I guess, everyone does.

Being a marketer, it would be very tough for you to market any of your company’s new product or service. It might the best product of your company, but it would be unknown to the world if you don’t know how to promote it.

So, you may end up losing money. I can understand that it can be difficult to figure out how to start and which method to apply.

Well, you need not worry anymore as there are many ways to promote your products or services. And here I have listed the best product marketing strategies that work.

10 Highly Effective Product Marketing Strategies that Works

10 Highly Effective Product Marketing Strategies that Works

When it comes to promoting any product, initially it seems like there are endless options, but eventually, it starts becoming difficult.

However, it is true that there are several marketing strategies but which ones work the best depends upon the business.

Here are the best 10 effective product marketing strategies for any business irrespective of your products or services.

Way 1: Email Marketing

Are you aware of the fact that according to research, last year 82 percent of customers open emails from businesses, and among them 44 percent of email recipients at least made one purchase?

That is why it is said that email marketing is the number one strategy to market any product or service. It allows you to share news of your product, photos, and information with the customers.

In many ways, it is better than social media marketing because there you are promoting your content with a number of distractions, but in email marketing, you are directly advertising with the target audience.

From there you can make an exclusive discount or sale to seal the deal. So, email is vital to marketing your product, but you should not stop here only.

Way 2: Affiliate Program

Even after taking the help of emails, if you’re struggling to sell your product and don’t have the cash to hire sales or marketing help, consider to take help of an affiliate program.

Affiliate program makes other people promote your products or services on a commission basis.

Affiliate program basically works by creating a customized URL for the business to promote its products and services.

People who do this share that link on social media or even in YouTube videos.

With the help of the link, you would be able to track how many people have visited that URL so that you can contact them and further sell your product.

Way 3: Host an Event

Another way to get people attracted to your product is by hosting an event. You can host an event at your house or the physical location of your business.

Hosting is a great way to get to know more people by face who are interested in your business. Eventually, you can turn them into a worthful customer.

All the events don’t need to be fancy and well-organized, something as simple as an open house party can be worthful enough.

You can organize it too at fitness centers, salon, yoga studios, or at any retail store.

If your business is at a location with other local business, then you can make benefits from it too. You people can work together to have a sidewalk to draw larger crowds.

Way 4: Share on Social Media

In this era of globalization where everyone is coming closer because of social media, I would still put social media on 4th position in order to market any product or service.

Well, you can announce your product on social media.

If you find that your customers are posting photos of your products on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, then you can share those photos with your followers to convince them to try your new product.

Ensure that your promotions are visual to many so that they can get to know easily what they are buying.

Way 5: Write a Press Release

With the advancement in technology, so much marketing is done online these days, but what about only making it to local customers?

News agencies always look for relevant information, product or service to share with their local community for their benefit. So, you can write a press release and get it spread with any local newspaper or news station to market your product.

Way 6: Market with Existing Customers

We all know that how in the early 1990s, Pepsi and Coke dominated the beverage market. Both spent more than $100 million just to market their one product.

At the same time, milk consumption was on the decline in California. So, things were not good for California’s dairy farmers.

Nonetheless, the national dairy board tried something new. They approached an agency called Goodby, Silverstein, and Partners.

It found that the previous campaigns were attempted to draw attention in those people who don’t even drink milk. So, it tried to find only those consumers who drink milk and market the product to them.

This strategy increased by 7 percent of sale only in one month. So, that is the creation of the first marketing strategy with the existing customers.

Now, you must have understood that you don’t unnecessarily need to find new audiences. You can increase the demand even in your existing loyal fans.

Way 7: Reddit Advertising

While most of the business don’t use Reddit, still it can be effective.

In fact, sometimes the least advertising networks are the most profitable because the cost is reasonable, and there are chances to stand out.

So, you can try to advertise on Reddit to promote your product. You can create a sponsored post in it related to your business.

Here you can talk about your product and discounts related to it. The key is to make sure it blends in with the other posts in the subreddit.

Way 8: Referral Marketing

Referral marketing, another name for mouth marketing. It is one of the oldest marketing strategies available. It is all about getting other people to talk about your product or service with their known ones.

It doesn’t only allow you to reach your product to a maximum number of people but also, this web makes it easier for the people to share your product.

It also gives a quick impact. You start getting responses from those people.

Way 9: Pinterest

Pinterest is the best place to be to market your goods and services. A recent survey has shown that around 93 percent of users use Pinterest to purchase their products.

That survey has also shown that many people also use Pinterest to plan their purchase. So, this ultimately makes it a better place to promote the products.

Those pins stick around for a long time. It is not uncommon for them to get not viewed for months after their posting.

You can optimize your pin and post them when more people are online with the use of appropriate keywords and eye-catching images.

Way 10: Go Live with Periscopes

While periscope is still a new social platform to market any product, it has already shown how much potential it has and what it can offer to the businesses in the upcoming time.

Already many businesses are promoting their products with its live-streaming tool.

There are many ways you can use a periscope to market your product. You can also use it to offer a demo of your product or answers to the queries through a Q&A section.

Final Point

Products don’t sell themselves. You have to do it. Fortunately, there are enormous useful ways to do it. And here I have listed the 10 best among them. So, if you got any new product, then try these marketing strategies to increase your sales.

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