Top 3 Amazing Ways to Embed Instagram Widget on a Website

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Written By Anne Griffin

With so many social media platforms, it is difficult to decide which social media should be chosen to embed on the website.

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are the three major platforms that are capable of turning your business into a huge success as they are the best marketing tool to build your digital presence

But Instagram is one of the fastest-growing and multifunctional platforms that presents many opportunities for businesses.

Why Instagram?

Instagram has been a successful and popular social media platform among users in recent times. The current active Instagram users account for up to a billion monthly and half a million daily.

As a social platform, it offers a tremendous amount of commercial opportunities with its diverse functionalities. If you make the right move, even you can take advantage of these opportunities. 

One such way to do so is to integrate the Instagram widget into your website. This is a great way to link social media benefits to your commerce i.e. website.

You can cross-channelize traffic, increase engagement, bring life to the website, and much more. 

An Instagram widget will allow you to access the Instagram feed on a website and will enable you to display the latest Instagram post on the sidebar of your website.

A widget is any device or program that lets you access a service. It is helpful in displaying information in a graphic form and further helps in bettering your interacting experience with any application.

Thus, an Instagram widget is helpful in improving a user’s interface with your website.

Embedding an Instagram widget on the website will integrate your Instagram feed with your website. This will help in letting your visitors stay longer on your website.

Also, adding visitor’s choice of content will increase your Instagram followers too. 

To make the best use of social media presence, it is a great move to embed an Instagram widget on the website as Instagram is capable of displaying the most interactive content too easily.

User-generated content has been so far known to be the best marketing tool to create a buzz about your business and Instagram is the best way to create that. 

Benefits of integrating an Instagram widget on a website

Top 3 Amazing Ways to Embed Instagram Widget on a Website

Here are some of the other benefits associated with it

1. Increases credibility

Embedding Instagram widget not only increases the credibility of your content but also increases the credibility of your brand through the user-generated content.  

2. Brand engagement

Embedding an Instagram widget on the website also increases the engagement of visitors with the brand. It leads to gaining brand trust and adds more people to your customer lists.

3. High conversion rate

The promotions bring out a high conversion rate when linked with Instagram as Instagram is capable of reaching millions of genuine people out there.

You can embed the Instagram widget on the website due to the advantage that Instagram posts include hashtags, tagging a location or handles and to add to it both images and videos can be explored easily. 

4. Website vibrancy

As you have embedded the Instagram content on your website, it will help you enhance the vibrancy, creativity, and attractiveness of your website.

Instagram is a visual platform with a tremendous amount of captivating images and videos. 

Amazing Ways To Embed Instagram Widget On Website 

Here are some of the amazing ways to embed the Instagram widget on the website.

1. Through WordPress plugins.

WordPress is a content management system that is most preferred for creating websites.

WordPress provides various plugins that can easily help you in integrating your Instagram with your website. 

All you need is a code and your desired Instagram feed will be displayed on your website from where any visitor can easily approach the videos and images.

You can customize the number of Instagram posts you want your visitors to see.

You can also adjust the number of rows and columns you want your Instagram posts to be seen on your website with the help of WordPress plugins.

 2. Through social media aggregator tools

Social media aggregator tools are known for converting, curating and aggregating social media feed into a more personalized feed and thereby helping you to embed that feed on websites, over big screens on events or over other digital advertisements.

Taggbox is one of the social media aggregator tools in the market.

Through this tool, you can embed not only a single Instagram feed on your website but it lets you create an Instagram widget on the basis of hashtags, mentions, tags, and handles. 

The next best thing about this tool is it also lets you moderate the content so that no fake and inappropriate posts are posted on your website.

It will also help make your feed attractive by beautifying it through its beautiful themes and by changing the background of the feed both manually and automatically.

It makes the feed look desirable and engaging.

With Taggbox you can also analyze the performance of embedding the Instagram feed on the website through its Analytics feature.

3. Through Instagram’s inbuilt embedding options

You need not wander around to find a way to embed your Instagram feed on the website.

Instagram itself provides an inbuilt embedding option that will enable you to easily embed your Instagram feed on the website.

However, you can only use it through the Instagram website and not through application.

It not only gives the choice to embed the image or video but also the caption too along with it.

For this, all you need to do is open the Instagram through a web browser.

Sign in to your account and open the post you want to embed on your website. Click on the EMBED option shown with every Instagram post.

Thereafter, copy the embed code to your website to embed the post. However, this only allows one post to be embedded at a time. 

It’s not a bad idea to invest in a good embedding tool for your business that is capable of building your ROI.

Decide wisely what’s the best marketing strategy for your business. 

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