14 Rookie Mistakes that Will Affect Your Digital Marketing Strategy

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Written By Hasel Smith


With the growth of technological advancements, the world has become a faster-moving place and the internet has become the base for this new revolutionary change.

This has given rise to the new world of social media which has become the prime important thing in this age and so is digital marketing.

Due to this, it becomes very important for you to plan a digital marketing strategy very nicely and in an error-free manner. Here are some common digital marketing mistakes that should be avoided.

1. Ignorance of email marketing

The email has lost its charm as a result of an increase in social media activities. Only a well-experienced marketer knows the true value of email marketing. Emails will surely deliver a good response to your customers.

Good digital marketing strategies always include the proper use of email marketing. This can be achieved by creating high impact and dynamic emails. Emails should be interactive, with automation and data personalization.

2. Not giving much importance to messaging

To deliver the core message of a brand is the most important thing in marketing. Sometimes, this gets lost in other things if the brand management methods are not adequate.

A good digital marketer should pay special attention to this while thinking about out of the box approaches. It is essential to do an analysis of your target audiences and the type of content that is preferred by them.

3. Not giving much value to your content

Content indeed plays an important role in digital marketing and the brands that gives much importance to good content always get good rewards.

Content cannot earn you direct revenue but it can help you in getting rewarded by influencing the customers’ minds.  That way, it can help you to build a bigger client base.

4. Digital data centralization

Centralization of data is very significant. It is paid data owned by you and can be utilized to the maximum level.

It can also help you in marketing activities and help you in customer segmentation and in designing your campaigns too.

5. Not giving attention to search engine optimization (SEO)

Good SEO practices will help you increase your Google rankingsIt’ll increase your brand online presence and help you reach new and existing client base.


Taking care of SEO needs can really pay you well in the future.

There are several affordable SEO services that can help you out in solving your SEO related problems if you don’t have the technical skills.

6. Not mobile-friendly content

Nowadays, with the excessive use of smartphones. most of the content on the internet is being viewed on mobile phones.

Most people see most of the videos on YouTube on their mobile phones only. So, it becomes essential to make your content mobile-friendly to get more views.

7. No strategic plans for digital marketing

It is very crucial to make plans before initiating any action. Action without a proper plan may not lead you to the desired result.

Planning is an important phase. It must include timelines and your goals for getting your desired results.

8. No specific target audience

The best marketing is that which reaches your target audience. You must get two things right.

First thing is to set your target or goal and the second is the identification of your target audience. When the target audience is fixed, then it gives you an idea of your competitors and their strategies too.

When you understand your target audience, you will get an idea of their preferences, and then create contents that can specifically attract and satisfy them.

9. Shortcuts must be avoided

Black hat techniques and other shortcuts cannot serve your purpose well so it is better not to go for them. These types of techniques can lower your rankings and this will eventually lead to bad customer reviews.

10. Ignorance of the real need for social presence

You need to find out the reason you are on social media and why you are doing marketing through social media.

You also need to identify your own social media goals and what you want to achieve from them. This will help you make a proper plan and strategy for your digital marketing.

11. Paid followers

Paid followers can increase your number of followers by a large number but it will not show much of the real activity.

Most of the accounts following you are fake or unused accounts with no real persons behind them. Buying followers will not serve many purposes. The best thing is to connect with real people.

12. All for free

marketing strategyThis is the major mistake done by many when implementing a digital marketing strategy is that they provide all their content for free or sometimes all the content is freely available for download. 

Free downloads can attract many visitors and you can get lots of hits and views even though they will not serve your purpose for longer time duration. When you give everything for free, you don’t get the opportunity to convert your visitors into potential buyers or subscribers.

13. Following media trends without thinking

Always follow only the digital marketing media trends that are appropriate for you. Each and every digital marketing trend may not serve your purpose.

14. Not hiring a professional for bespoke digital marketing strategy

This is a big reason for the downfall of many companies when it comes to digital marketing strategy.

Paid professionals can give you results that are not possible with interns whom you don’t need to pay. For example, an intern is doing SEO for free. If you are not getting good results, then it is of no use.

But if a paid SEO professional give you the desired results, then it is counted as a win. When you avoid these mistakes in your digital marketing strategy, then you can achieve your desired goals.

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