3 Best Business Automation Tactics to Increase Your ROI

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Written By Emma Coffinet

When you are in the beginning stages of starting your business, you can manage to do multiple jobs by yourself. You work on the design of the product, manufacture it in your garage, and promote it online in the hopes of boosting your sales.

However, as your business starts to grow, it becomes harder for you to get everything done even with a team of people. And that is exactly the moment when you should think about which processes you can automate.

The great thing about being an entrepreneur in this day and age is that you can easily find an audience online. There are numerous ways to use digital marketing to introduce your brand and products to potential customers.

To increase your ROI on your marketing budget, it is recommended that you incorporate certain business automation tactics. You should come up with a way to automate the process of reaching out to people online and promoting your products.

If you incorporate business automation into your marketing strategies, you will significantly boost the quality of your customer relationships.

To achieve this, you can automate the process of sending personalized emails to people in your mailing list. Although this can have a tremendous effect on your sales, the biggest advantage of business automation is that it will free up a lot of your time. That means that you’ll be able to focus on more important tasks.

Business automation can be very beneficial to your company even if you have a marketing department. When you automate tasks that marketers at your firm usually do, it’ll allow them to focus on creating marketing campaigns that will bring in more consumers.

In case you want to increase your ROI, here are some of the best business automation tactics you can use today.

3 Best Business Automation Tactics to Increase ROI Today

1. Email Marketing Automation

Many people think of email marketing as a thing of the past. There is no denying that it is easier to build a following and attract your target audience on social media, but that doesn’t mean email marketing is not effective.

In fact, email marketing has an ROI of 42-to-1. In other words, for every dollar you spend on this form of marketing, you will get $42 in return on average.

One of the main reasons why email is so effective is because it can be automated. Email marketing automation allows you to reach the right people with the right message at the perfect time.

Although it may seem like you don’t have to put too much thought into how you craft these emails, you’ll actually have a lot of freedom to develop a strategy that’ll work for your business.

Before you start thinking of the perfect ways to utilize email marketing automation, there are two things that you should know. The first is that nearly all customers, regardless of the industry they are in, love personalized content. It doesn’t take a lot of time and effort to create a personalized email experience for consumers.

The second thing you should know is that your email marketing strategies can be as simple or complex as you want them to be. You get to decide what they’ll look like.

How you choose to interact with your customers via email is entirely up to you, but there are a few common scenarios when you should reach out to them.

For instance, you should always send automated welcome emails to consumers who just gave you their email addresses. It is also a good idea to automate onboarding emails which will give your customers more insight into how to use your products after they purchase something from your website.

A great strategy for boosting your sales is to automate the process of sending abandonment emails. In case you have an e-commerce business and a customer leaves something in their cart before they exit your website, you should inform them that they didn’t follow through with the purchase.

If this doesn’t get a reaction from them, let them know that they can get a discount if they complete the transaction in the next 48 hours.

3 Best Business Automation Tactics to Increase ROI Today

2. Social Media Automation

If you have experience with social media marketing, you most likely already know how time-consuming it can be. It gets worse if you have a considerable following and decide to look through the comments or respond to your followers.

In case you are not careful with how you spend your time, you can lose at least a few hours every day on social media. That is why you should seriously consider automation.

In essence, social media automation refers to the process of automating any social media activities that can help you reach customers and grow your business. Not only can this process save you a lot of time, but it can also maximize results from your social media marketing campaigns.

What you choose to automate is ultimately your decision, but it is recommended that you automate as many activities as possible.

The main process automation used in social media marketing is post-scheduling. Let’s say that you created the service online and you want to show college students on Facebook how good your service is.

What you can do is offer a discount to existing customers if they write a short text on how your company helped them. You can then schedule these testimonials to be posted at different parts of the day and observe when they get the most engagement.

Of course, whenever you post testimonials, there will always be consumers who are curious about your service and have questions. In order to avoid having to log in and respond to them yourself, you can utilize a chatbot to do it for you.

You can’t go wrong with creating automated replies for customers who want to receive an answer quickly even when you’re not online. Chatbots are especially effective on Facebook Messenger.

To build a loyal audience, you should also consider automating suggested replies. Keep in mind that a lot of people on social media expect to get a response from a brand or page within an hour of sending a message.

This can be impossible to achieve without automation, especially if you have a large audience. That is why you can come up with suggested replies that will be sent if someone has a question that was previously answered.

Content Automation

3. Content Automation

Content automation refers to a digital marketing process of automating content marketing tasks by using various applications and online tools. Content is very important for turning your readers and followers into customers, which is why 60 per cent of marketers post at least one piece of content every day.

Although you won’t be able to automate every content marketing task, this can be an effective strategy for sharing the latest industry news with your readers.

If you are searching for content ideas that match your target keywords, you can use Google Alerts to find out what similar content is being created.

There are also paid tools like Buzzsumo that work behind the same basic principle as Google Alerts. Instead of spending hours trying to find a good topic for your articles, wait until you get an alert and draw inspiration from the results you get.

Once you are finished writing the content, you can use AI-based proofreading tools like Grammarly to ensure your article doesn’t contain any grammatical or spelling errors.

There are also online tools like SimpleReach, which can be used for automated content promotion. A tool like this can help promote your content on various social media platforms as soon as it gets published on your website.

Finally, there are tools like YoastSEO that can help you automate the process of optimizing your content for search engines. SEO tools can be used to check for duplicate content, tag posts automatically, find quality backlinks, and list keyword density on every page.

Business automation tactics to increase ROI

Business automation tactics to increase ROI

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners get used to doing a few different jobs themselves. As your company grows, you’ll need to learn how to let go of certain responsibilities and delegate your work.

To maximize your profits and ensure growth, you should look for ways to use these business automation tactics in your marketing campaigns:

  • Email Marketing Automation.
  • Social Media Automation.
  • Content Automation.

Regardless of which channels you choose to reach your audience through, you can always automate certain processes to save time, boost sales, and keep your staffing costs low.

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