Five Best Methods for Introducing Direct Selling Products

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Written By Adeyemi Adetilewa

Direct selling is a hot ticket for sharing products you love, working flexible hours, and generating additional income. If you love the thought of putting yourself out there, connecting with people, and owning a small business, direct selling may be something to consider. 

Your first step is to find a company with products you’d want to sell. But do your research before committing. Make sure they share your values and support your goals.

And once you’ve found the company and products you love, you are ready to develop a strategy to introduce and highlight products you recommend—and, of course, start selling.

How to develop a selling strategy?

How to develop a selling strategy?

Start with training. With reputable direct selling companies like Mary Kay, Usborne Books, or USANA Health Sciences, you’ll have access to support materials. Some will provide a custom website, marketing materials, and training on how their compensation plan works and all the details for their products. 

Familiarize yourself with the company’s rules for selling. Many of their strategies are similar to modern online marketing tactics, and there may be parameters for what you can and can’t say about their products.

How to introduce direct selling products?

Once you feel ready, introduce your products and start building your business. 

1. Customize a Company Website

Most direct selling companies offer a company-themed personalized website that credits sales to you. Look for specific training provided by your direct selling company and explore the available features. Some companies offer to share links that will lead customers directly to your site. 

Your website is at the centre of your revenue building—it is where you’ll send virtually all your potential customers—and learning to use it effectively should be one of the first things you do. 

2. Build an Email List

Email marketing is a rock-solid way to ensure you stay in touch with your customers and grow your base. Emails with product information, promotions, and lifestyle advice can help keep customers engaged. Use these tips as you work to form an email list. 

Build your list by adding a form to your social media posts or a pop-up on your website. It’s always a good idea to offer a freebie (like tips and tricks, a checklist, printable, or eBook) in exchange for an email address.   

Create content that is easy to read and adds value. Content should interest the customer and pertain to what you’re selling. Use humour, stories, and confidence to connect—keep it professional and friendly. 

Test your email to make sure all your links work as expected. Your custom direct selling links should lead to your customized company website to ensure you get credit for any purchases.

Hit Record

3. Hit Record

Marketing through video is one of the best ways to build your business. According to surveys conducted by Wyzowl in 2022, 86 per cent of businesses use video as a marketing tool.

They also found that 73 per cent of customers would rather learn about a product through a short video than through text-based mediums. Videos can be well worth your time and effort.  

If posting video content across several social media channels seems daunting, either focus your effort on one platform or try editing one video to post across platforms. Post high-quality content consistently and upload a couple of times per week.

Keep these tips in mind when creating your video content: 

  • Linktree—include a service like Linktree in your social media bios to house links to your products. It’s an easy way for existing and potential customers to quickly go to your site from your feed.
  • TikTok—Trends move at lightspeed on TikTok. Study what’s going viral with music, format, and visual effects. Find your niche demographic and cater to it. During your video, remind customers to visit your bio for links to purchase. 
  • Instagram—Connect with customers through Reels on Instagram. Offer content highlighting different variations, options, selections, sizes, and other details about your product. Tag several products throughout the video so customers can easily shop. 
  • YouTube—Posting YouTube videos allow you to post in a longer format. Create compelling content that adds value or advice. Answer questions, offer suggestions, and feature testimonials from others who have had success using your product. Focus on evergreen content that can live on your channel for years. Use YouTube Shorts for bite-sized, 60-second videos. 
  • Go Live—Live streaming on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube presents opportunities to showcase your products and provide your review in real-time. Make your energy contagious, and give simple directions to where customers can buy immediately. 

4. Start Cross-Selling

Partner with other direct sellers and social media influencers who offer products that relate to yours, but don’t compete. The idea is to leverage their customer base to promote your products or services—it can work well even if the influencer has a limited reach.

This type of marketing is usually done in three ways: 

  • Purchase paid ads or space on a creator’s platform.
  • Trade a product or service for a review, mention, or link to your product.
  • Host the influencer as a guest on a video, live stream, or podcast, or appear as a guest on their forum.

As you approach other sellers and influencers, keep in mind that your proposal should be a win-win for both parties.

When cross-promoting products, make sure you disclose your agreement with a disclaimer like, “sponsored post” or “paid advertisement” to meet Federal Trade Commission guidelines and ensure the consumer doesn’t feel misled.

5. Invite Others to Join Your Team

Building a team is a great goal. When you find someone who shares the same enthusiasm for the products you offer, ask them if they want to sell, too.

You may feel shy about sharing the opportunity, but you are offering someone a chance to make and reach their own goals. But just be yourself. Offer true stories about the ups and downs of building your business and connecting with people who share your values.

If someone isn’t interested in joining your team, thank them for listening and wish them well as they pursue their dreams.

Hit Your Stride

Hit Your Stride

Direct selling can be challenging and exciting. Whether you are looking to own a small business, make a little extra money, or set your own work hours, you’ll want to match a strategy with your goals.

With marketing knowledge, partnerships, and authenticity, you’ll find the best way to share your passion for your favourite products. 


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