There is a reason why the best blog writers out there are paid very handsomely. They have experience and their posts simply stand out. In fact, sometimes, writers can read what someone else writes and feel completely overwhelmed because of the much better quality they see.
The good news is that writing great blog posts is much easier than you might think right now. Everything revolves around practice and knowledge.
When you want to write paper assignments for school, you learn how to use a structure and you improve a specific vocabulary. With blog writing, the process is similar. If you want to improve, here are some simple tips to help you achieve just that.
1. Know Everything About Your Audience
Or as much as you can learn.
Knowing your target audience is a fundamental part of blog writing because it gives you the most important information. It shows you what people look for when they read a blog post.
Never try to guess what a target audience wants or needs. Make your decisions based on research and data. Whenever possible, perform a competitor analysis.
While all this does sound very complicated and might seem that it takes a lot of time, in reality, there are countless tools you could use to get the data you need.
As a very simple example, one source of information that is often overlooked is social media. When you have an online presence on social networking websites, which you should anyway, it is very easy to interact with your target audience. In fact, this is a fundamental part of promoting something on social media.
As you post something on social media, be extremely careful with how people react, what they say, like, and dislike. This gives you important information about what you could write in the future to offer something that is very engaging.
Do not stop at your profiles. See what the competition posts online. See what the audience of your competition says, likes, dislikes, and so on. This gives you even more information you can use to draft better blog posts.
2. Write Very Compelling Headlines
By far, the most important part of writing a blog post is the headline. It needs to be compelling so that people actually click on it when it is shared online or when it pops up in search engines.
Remember that humans are shallow. They always judge something based on appearance. The same thing goes for blog posts. As a result, you need to put more effort into writing a headline that is compelling.
As you write blog posts, experiment with different types of headlines. The goal is always to create some sort of emotional reaction, something that creates the desire to want to read the rest of the article.
Keep in mind that the headline and the meta description of a blog post are the parts that appear in search engine results. That is why the meta description should include some sort of CTA and the headline needs to be compelling.
The problem is there is no specific formula you can use to create headlines that always work, no matter what some marketers tell you. It is important to adapt to the results you get from the blog posts you already published. This offers you the best information to use to write very compelling headlines.
3. Break Up Text
Large chunks of text can make people lose their focus. This is why the best-performing blog posts out there are formatted in a way that is very easy on the reader’s eye.
Formatting is pivotal for any blog post. People tend to skim articles so you have to break up large chunks of text with bullet points, sub-headings, and images. Other visual elements can also help a lot.
As an extra tip, you want to use shorter paragraphs. They make it a lot easier for readers to go through blog posts.
Remember the fact that over 50 percent of web traffic these days is done with the use of mobile devices. These have a much smaller screen than the desktop computer. As a result, your text has to be as easy to scan as possible.
Mobile device users usually scan content because of this screen issue. When your blog post features really long chunks of text, there is a really good possibility visitors will leave.
Pro tip: Create a table of contents for your blog posts. This is especially important for the really long blog posts, like comprehensive shopping guides. By adding the little extra, visitors can choose what they want to read first, which increases the possibility that they will actually read what you wrote.
For instance, in a shopping guide, when people already know how to choose the product you talk about, they can go straight to the recommended products instead of having to also scroll through the actual guide.
4. Add Images
We already mentioned this but we have to talk more about the importance of adding images to blog posts. This is because our brain processes visual content so much faster than text. Captivating images can easily boost engagement.
Nowadays, there are countless free resources available that give you access to royalty-free images of very high quality. Just use them to break down large chunks of text.
As an extra useful tip, you can use free resources like Canva to create highly-customized images for your blog posts. Just take some free stock images you find online, add text, graphics, and modify them before you add. This creates higher customization and gives you the possibility of branding your images.
Also, always add alt tags for every single image you add to your blog posts. This is important for better search engine rankings.
5. Research Before You Write
A very common mistake many people make, when they write blog posts, is that they do their research while they write. This is not a good idea because it can easily lead to a lack of productivity.
At the same time, it tends to lead to the creation of blog posts that are not well-structured. This is because you tend to want to introduce more information as you find something during your research.
When you conduct your research before you write, it is easier to create an excellent structure, and your writing becomes more organized. Remember that blog posts need to flow in a logical way. If this does not happen, the attention of the reader is lost.
Final Thoughts on writing better blog posts
As you can see, writing better blog posts is not just about the actual writing. You need to take into account all the tips mentioned above and keep working on it since there are so many other things that you could do to transform blog posts into highly engaging articles.
The last thing that should be mentioned is that writing great blog posts is not something easy to do. It takes time, knowledge, and experience. This practically means that the more you write, the easier it is to create something that is highly engaging for your target audience.
Use the advice we highlighted above as the starting point to your dedication to constantly improve. You can always write better blog posts and the best content writers out there actually write all the time. Every little bit of writing you do improves your skills.
I am Adeyemi Adetilewa, the Editor of I help brands share unique and impactful stories through the use of online marketing. My work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Hackernoon, The Good Men Project, and other publications.