How to Maintain Brand Consistency in Shopify Dropshipping?

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Written By Emma Schmidt

In our day and age, it is safe to say that there is an excuse for social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, and more) that all brands can use to stay in touch with and promote customers.

Most brands understand that survival and coherence in today’s market are impossible without a consistent presence in all media, whether digital or physical. 

However, not all brands have succeeded in reaping social media platforms’ benefits, not for lack of effort. This article will discuss some basic branding concepts and what companies of all sizes can do to improve their Shopify dropshipping business in the current market environment.

Here is how to maintain brand consistency across all mediums for your Shopify dropshipping business.

What is brand compatibility in Shopify dropshipping?

Before going into the article’s subject, let us briefly look at some basic Shopify dropshipping concepts related to brand stability.

1. Brand identity

Shopify Dropshipping: 5 Brand Consistency Tips for SuccessThe company’s brand identity reflects its mission, vision, logo, color, behavior, tone, and virtually everything said to make the company different from others.

Brand identity is “all the elements that make up the character of a company” and may include visible, invisible, tangible, or intangible elements.

2. Brand consistency 

This is a set of internal rules that the company has set strict limits on how its assets – logo, color, copy, and so on – and so forth – should be used to portray its brand for purposes.

For example, brand guidelines may specify that the logo should only be used in specific contexts, certain colors, or a certain width. The brand guide is an essential element, the pillar, if you will, brand compatibility.

Continuing our point, brand relevance implies what is meant by ‘on-brand’ in your company’s marketing efforts, which means that rules and guidelines for maintaining brand credibility have been established beforehand.

A company is brand-friendly when it comes to ensuring that everything goes out of its doorstep – whether we’re talking about products, copycats, documents, social media posts, and brand identity and guides.

We know this sounds confusing – you are not alone. Even large companies sometimes fail to follow their own branding principles. The principles are as varied as they can be.

Still, brand inconsistencies usually arise when the person or persons managing the company’s marketing aspects underline the company’s brand characteristics. For example, some marketing materials may be more appealing to a person’s personality or vice versa.

Understand each social media platform for Shopify dropshipping

And through this, we mean understanding the audience that creates each platform:


This is a highly visual platform and wildly popular among teenagers and thousands of years. Instagram has evolved over the years and also updating day by day not only for users but also for business merchants.

The latest program called “shoppable post” allows businesses to add a product description, link, price, and the ability to “shop now” on product posts.


It is the most established for social media platforms. The average user spends about 20 minutes a day on the network.

However, Facebook is slowly losing its millions of young users in favor of other platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, so keep that in mind before creating a marketing campaign here.


A popular medium for short and on-topic conversations with its spikes in activity during significant incidents like elections and the Super Bowl. Twitter is the best platform for engaging in popular entertainment and direct discussions with companies.


It focuses more than other social platforms, which means it is used primarily for planning, especially on DYY projects, travel, trends, homes, etc. to focus.

Pinterest is where internet users are actively searching for practical information, so brands have an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the platform and create targeted branding.


It is currently the fastest growing social platform of all. Unlike other social media portals, Snapchat uses the concept of urgency like no one else, as the platform’s nature promotes instant communication and engagement.

Snapchat is an excellent opportunity for companies to expand their products to a smaller audience and maintain brand stability.

Don’t spread too much on social media platforms

While it is a case of focusing on as many social media platforms as possible, it is a better idea to take advantage of one social media platform rather than mediating them all.

If you are new to the market, and the brand is “Fresh,” the best approach is to take it slowly and focus on a single social media platform.

Once you understand your chosen social media portal’s basics, you can move on to another and focus on it. As we mentioned earlier, each social media platform has its characteristics and needs a unique approach to ensure maximum success.

So, instead of cutting more than you chew, take time to study every one to see what the audience expects. 

Interlink multiple channels

Shopify Dropshipping: 5 Brand Consistency Tips for SuccessOnce you know how to balance your social media presence across various channels, the next step is to get your followers to subscribe to your other platforms.

The right approach is running an ongoing awareness campaign – for example, when you post-print on demand Shopify products on your Facebook page, tell your followers about your Twitter page and vice versa.

This tip is beneficial for a variety of reasons. First, it allows you to increase your follow-up size without the need for much work (and as a side note, less work means a few staff to maintain your payroll, which is especially useful for new brands).

Second, it ensures that your followers will see your brands more often in the short term, at the same time increasing exposure and advertising revenue.

Lastly, but not least, by connecting your multiple channels properly, you will gradually gain status as an authority in your niche, which, in turn, ensures brand stability. By doing this, you tell both your followers and potential customers that your brand is professional and up-to-date.

Share curated content

First of all, let us know what content management is and how it is useful for the product, content management helps to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. 

Content curation is when you share content created by others. In other words, to share third-party content to grow and maintain a social media presence. Fresh content always plays an important role, but it is perfectly acceptable to recycle and revamp your existing content.

You can even use tools to speed up your process: BuzzSumo is an online research tool that helps to find popular and trendy topics for your content as per your keyword and phase. One other namely Head sligner is also useful. It helps to upload articles in one folder online for easy access at any time and date. That can save your time for further down the line.

Unfortunately, there is no magic formula for viral success – not often, it all comes down to algorithms working to your advantage.

However, what you can do is increase the chances of achieving viral success by controlling the brand-specific content for the company’s social media pages of your Shopify dropshipping business. Consumers want (and expect) quality content relevant to their brand, their interests, and detail.

Sometimes, content curation is used as ‘cheating’. But it is the common practice for marketers and brands that can increase your brand value and your valuable time.  Using content curation is the right way is important for adding value to the brand and merchant when running a Shopify dropshipping business. 

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