Health insurance in Spain is an option that is available to ex-pats and those living in the country as a second home. It is free for those living in the country and even some ex-pats qualify for state-funded healthcare.
However, if you are looking for a better option, you may consider buying private insurance. While you can qualify for free healthcare, waiting times for non-urgent and elective procedures have drastically increased.
Is Public health care free in Spain?
If you don’t have private health insurance, you can register with the social security office, known as the Direccion General de la Tesoreria Social (DGTS), in your community. You’ll be assigned a social security number and will need to provide proof of identity and address. Click here for more information.
The government runs the public coverage system in Spain. The system is free for all citizens and is funded through social security contributions. If you are an ex-pat living in Spain, you’ll qualify for state wellness care. However, you’ll be required to pay social security contributions, which amount to close to 300 EUR.
If you do not have an EHIC, you may not qualify for free coverage. If you’re not a Spanish resident, you’ll need to buy a medical insurance plan. If you’re not an EU citizen, you can check with your Spanish embassy to find out what your options are.
The Spanish health system is easy to navigate. Generally, emergency medical treatment is free. The only exception is when an accident happens and you can’t pay the doctor. For these cases, a doctor will usually refer you to a hospital. You’ll also need to prove that you have insurance, so you can get the medical attention you need.
Spain’s constitution guarantees the right to health care. The national system is governed by the Ministry of Health, but healthcare is provided and decentralized at regional levels. This has contributed to some wellness disparities and budget crises in recent years. The country spends approximately ten per cent of its GDP on medical care. But there are still some issues, such as staff shortages and long waiting times in public hospitals.
Basic state coverage is free, but some services, such as orthopaedic surgery, require a co-payment. Click the link: for additional knowledge about orthopaedic surgery. It varies by location, so be sure to check the conditions in your area.
Additionally, free dental care is available for residents. However, most people choose to visit a private dentist. Alternatively, there are numerous private companies that offer dental policies.
Throughout Spain, there are wellness centres, clinics, and GPs. These centres are located in most cities and towns. You should be able to find one within 15 minutes of your residence. Many health centres have several GPs and other specialists. In addition, specialized centres are available in some regions.
Spain has a universal citizen system that allows citizens to access top-quality health care for free. While some private wellness coverage is available, it is typically much more expensive.
Nevertheless, Spanish citizens have access to some of the best medical care in the world. With this system in place, Spanish citizens have one of the highest life expectancies in the world.
Private insurance in Spain is an option for ex-pats
There are several ways to obtain private insurance in Spain, including through a local company or through your employer. Although Spain has universal med care, many ex-pats find it more convenient to purchase private insurance for specific wellness issues, such as prescription drugs and dental care.
Private insurance in Spain gives you the freedom to choose the doctor you want, and some plans also cover dental procedures. The Spanish national doctor system does not cover dental procedures, so you will have to pay out of pocket for these.
Private health insurance Spain offers can cover these costs, but there are restrictions. For instance, many policies limit the services a dentist can provide, while others limit their network to a list of preferred providers.
In addition to private medical insurance in Spain, you can get free public medical care in Spain. The basic medical care system is funded by social security deductions from working people.
Although public medical care is free, private medical care is more advanced and expensive. You can also look for international medical insurance plans, which offer coverage in many countries.
I am Adeyemi Adetilewa, the Editor of I help brands share unique and impactful stories through the use of online marketing. My work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Hackernoon, The Good Men Project, and other publications.