9 Smart Chatbot Ideas That Businesses Should Consider Today

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Written By Alice Sharma

Chatbots are computer programs that use natural languages to interact with users. 

In 1996, the first Chatbot was created at MIT with the beautiful name ‘ELIZA.’ ELIZA is the parent of all chatbots. It is useful to get the answers to basic questions related to the decision tree. 

The China-based company launched the next Chatbot in 2009. It is named WeChat due to the present advanced number of features. 

In 2016, many new chatbots came into the market, such as Siri and Cortona. The intelligent assistants help the users to set reminders, weather forecasts, find files, and answer questions. 

A chatbot is also defined as a virtual/live conversation agent because the software application allows people to chat through texts or voice notes. It has various pre-set rules and scripts that help to start an online conversation or perform a specific action at a specific time. 

Today, many business owners get custom chatbot app development from software companies. Modern chatbots contain various functions in a mobile app or website

Latest trends of chatbots 

9 Creative Chatbot Ideas Businesses Should Consider NowThe latest trends of chatbots are based on two key developments that are as follow:

  • Advanced in AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Messaging Services

1. Advanced in AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Techniques like deep learning and machine learning are used in chatbots because it improves the quality of understanding and gives ease of making decisions in the app. 

One can include artificial language while developing the chatbot systems from the software developers. The AI-based chatbots give a positive user experience and become intelligent with an advanced design. 

It understands things automatically and actively being updated through customers and interactions. 

2. Messaging Services 

Messaging apps are used by smartphone users every day for chatting and business meetings. 

Technology has become very popular over the past few years. For example, WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Facebook Messenger are some examples of Chatbots. 

With the help of messaging services, one can easily book and order tasty food from restaurantsIt is beneficial for making payments online and giving assistance in selling online products to customers. 

Benefits of chatbots for Business 

  • Chatbots help automate some regular tasks. 
  • Chatbots are time-saving for merchants and customers. 
  • Chatbots can generate new leads. 

Benefits of chatbots for customer service

  • Chatbots can use 24/7 hours and provide a great customer experience. 
  • Chatbots are necessary to make good relationships with customers. 
  • Chatbots ensure faster, accessible, and more efficient customer service. 
  • Chatbots reduce the workload of the support team. 

9 must-know chatbot ideas to improve sales in business

1. Chatbots attract online customers with a custom message

9 Creative Chatbot Ideas Businesses Should Consider NowChatbots attract online customers with a personalized message that means if any person comes to your online store for the first time, he/she will receive a welcome message from it. The friendly welcome message makes a good bond between the consumer and the company. 

If you are doing global business, you should include this feature in your Chatbot. It can send messages in multiple languages and even permit you to offer discounts on websites.

Advantages of chatbots welcome message 

  • It is used to engage visitors. 
  • Every visitor pays attention to it. 

Advantages of using email bot with chatbots 

  • Email bots nurture the leads and give instant answers to emails. However, Chatbots also provide immediate solutions but guide the buyers throughout the journey. 
  • Both chatbots and email bots allow small businesses to make long-lasting contacts with conversational marketing. 

2. Digital chatbots notify your customers about lightning deals and sales 

The digital conversational bots can be used to inform about new lightning deals and sales. You can offer discounts if any customer revisits your store, search the items, read the blog post, or add the things into the cart. 

According to the Epsilon study, 80 percent of people get ready to purchase with brands when they get a chance to fulfill personal requirements. For instance, after getting a massive discount and offering a particular product, customers feel so lucky and stay happy all day long. 

3. Prefer survey and feedback options in a chatbot for conversational forms 

Chatbots are intelligent tools for customer service and surveys. You can use it to take virtual interviews. 

The conversational surveys provide a better experience for the users. With a survey bot like Facebook Messenger, you can resolve thousands of queries free of cost. 

According to research, the data of QuickTap shows that 40 percent of customers prefer self-service for making high-level interactions with humans. The study revealed that 64 percent of consumers like to respond in texts rather than phone calls in the business. 

4. Allow your customers to track payments & order history

A lot of individuals worry when their orders do not reach on-time. Their major queries are – “What happened to my invoice,” “Can I get a refund,” etc. 

The AI bots solve all such queries through an automated medium. You don’t need to hire customer executives to address these issues. 

One of the most significant examples is Shopify-based shopping applications that aids check order status, product availability, and shipping zones. 

5. Host webinar sessions with Messenger bots 

9 Creative Chatbot Ideas Businesses Should Consider NowThe webinars are a great way to foster business growth. Your versatile conversational tool enables you to customize any stage dynamically. 

Bots messaging has better response rates than emails. The click-throughs and open rates of emailing are not out of the mark. 

Benefits of webinar registration on Facebook Messenger 

  • Chatbots are conversational and interactive. 
  • Chats help in getting higher engagement than emails. 
  • The forms of messenger are well-optimized. 
  • Messenger encourages the target audience to buy goods and services. 

6. Get benefitted from Google Tag Manager 

GTM (Google Tag Manager) is the tool that is used to add HTML or Javascript snippets to your website. 

You can use GTM with the application snippet of your Chatbot. The management of multiple bots is so easy with its interface.

GTM works through tags, triggers, and a system of containers. A tag is known as the snippet code that you can place on your website. 

A container contains all the tags that you can select and add to your site. Each new container takes the new code from the GTM. Besides, the trigger is the action that helps the tags functioning. 

By using tags, your Chatbot will automatically label a customer who has performed the specific action, view a particular URL, or sent a message with selected keywords. 

7. Gain insights and monitor consumer data 

The AI-made bots can monitor consumer behaviors and track purchasing patterns based on the data. 

As per Forbes, the companies that use chatbots can make predictions about consumer likes and dislikes. It tells the merchants which products are meant for the market and even tells which changes are needed to improve the sales. 

Whether your landing page has huge organic traffic, you still need a talk bot to know why the customer has left your page without purchasing anything. 

8. Win your customers with an interactive content strategy 

Content is King. The insightful piece and the most valuable content should be distributed like a Queen. 

You should distribute your highly-engaged content with your subscribers. For this, the messenger is a suitable choice for you. The organic reach of Facebook posts is approximately 5 percent. The open rate of messenger notifications is about 80 to 90 percent. 

An interactive agent or Chatbot is an alternative to the newsletter, so you should use it to experience a high ROI (Return of Investment). 

9. Create Click-to-Messenger Ads 

Bot advertising builds a more personalized consumer experience. Using Chatbot, you will feel natural, confident, safe at the time of offering any service at an individual level. 

From the young generation to seniors, everyone stays 24/7 connected on social media apps. You have an excellent chance to introduce your brand to them via direct Facebook Messenger Ads. 


Chatbots are necessary to shape the future business. They offer new opportunities to improve the process of customer engagement. 

Companies can increase the efficiency of operations by minimizing the costs of customer service.

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