Have you bought an online course before?
I’m going to guess the answer is yes and you’ve probably purchased several in your life (perhaps even for $997 or more)…
But have you ever thought of making your own course and selling it online?
The number of regular people, just like you, that are making five, six and seven-figure on incomes from their own courses is growing like crazy.
My very own friend and online entrepreneur Dirk “Diggy” de Bruin have generated 7 figures online over the last few years, selling his own courses.
He didn’t start out that way though, it took him years of trial and error and frustration before he figured out how amazing the e-learning business model is…
Would you like to know how to get started and potentially build a six-figure per year online course business in the next 90 days?
- It’s a 300B per year industry that’s growing at an astonishing rate…
- It costs virtually nothing to get started (all you need is a phone and a computer)…
- And you can get started without being technical or having previous experience!
I’ve arranged for Dirk to give my readers an exclusive presentation where he breaks down EXACTLY how this business model works, and how easy it is for you to create your own course and sell it online.
He’ll show you how to do this from scratch, without being technical, even if you have no idea what you can create a course about, even if you don’t think you’re qualified to teach, and even if you don’t want to be on camera yourself.
Click here to register for the webinar.
Dirk’s 6-Figure Online Course Business Blueprint
Dirk is a regular guy, in fact, he doesn’t have any college or university degree and started out stacking shelves in a supermarket for 13 bucks an hour back in 2008.
He realized early on that the 9-5 supermarket gig wasn’t going to allow him to travel the world and race supercars or rent helicopters.
And while searching for a way to make more money, he stumbled on internet marketing.
I wish it was more glamorous, but because he didn’t know what he was doing and didn’t have a proven blueprint to follow, Dirk spent years figuring out how to build an online business with repeatable, consistent income.
I respect his hustle, as he kept going and never gave up… which led to him hitting his six-figure per year goal (and more recently even seven figures per year).
The secret?
Here it is, in his own words:
“Hi! Dirk here, and thank you for that wonderful introduction!
When it comes to online business, for a long time I had mistaken beliefs, and I was focusing on the wrong things…
I wanted to know the secret. The magic bullet. The one “weird” trick that would help me make six figures online…
And for a long time, I chased that quick fix. Jumping from method to method. Program to program. Course to course. Looking for a loophole to exploit, or a trick to implement.
“Do not try and bend the spoon, that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth…there is no spoon. Then you will see it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.”
It took me a long time to realize the truth…
There is no quick fix. There is no magic bullet.
When you see people having success with any method… e-commerce, affiliate marketing, SEO, you name it. It is not so much the strategy that matters, it is the underlying principles of business and human behavior.
When I saw posts or ads or success stories of people doing well with a method, I always wanted to know, “what’s the trick?” or “what strategy is he using?”.
But those are the wrong questions to ask.
So what are the right questions?
Well, to understand which questions you should ask, it’s important to understand the following:
Why does anyone pay money to someone else?
The answer is that it’s an exchange of value. That’s all there is to it.
The dollars that someone is paying for something represent value, and the product or service they are purchasing also represents value.
If the product or service has an equal or greater value than the value of the monetary price to the prospect, then an exchange of value takes place and money is swapped for the product or service.
Knowing this, let’s look at another concept why people buy anything, and let’s break it down into an extremely simple version…
People buy solutions to problems.
Think about it.
Food. Problem? Hungry. Solution? Buy food.
Car. Problem? Need for transport. Solution? Buy a car.
College. Problem? Future employment. Solution? Go to college.
Weapons. Problem? Concern for safety. Solution? Buy a weapon.
Anything anyone purchase is a solution to some form of problem.
So, if the solution has an equal or greater value than the price asked for it, a sale is made.
Isn’t that amazing? So simple.
There’s more to it than that of course, but in its simplest form, this is the foundation of every business.
Providing a solution to a problem, presented (marketed) in such a way that the solution has an equal or greater value than the price they ask for it.
Firstly, becoming aware of this very concept is what changed the questions I ask when I see a success story or ad.
I no longer wonder about the trick or loophole or magic bullet. Instead, I look to simply it back to the basics… What is the problem being solved?
What is the solution being provided?
How is the value of the solution being shown as equal to or more than the asking price?
Now, once again, there’s more to it than that (mainly about long-term repeatability, predictability, and scalability) but we’ll leave that for another conversation.
However, by reducing anything to this simple concept, the actual strategy used doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter if you want to do e-commerce, blogging, affiliate marketing, podcasting, coaching, digital marketing for clients.
All of these models work and there are people who have successfully used each model to generate 7 figures and more.
The model you choose to follow now becomes a matter of preference.
What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at?
My 7 figure journey (and the road to 8 figures)…
Everything here is about helping you get to the next level.
In order to build a sustainable 6+ figure online business, you need a strategy that is repeatable, predictable and scalable.
Repeatable, because if you can’t repeat your strategy to get similar results, you don’t have a business.
Predictable, because there needs to be stability in your business and income.
Scalable, because things don’t last forever and until you have multiple 7 figures invested that generate enough income to cover your expenses passively, you need to earn more, and scaling up helps you do that.
So, let me introduce you to a business model that ticks all the above boxes.
A model that I’ve personally used to generate 6 figures with on multiple occasions in different niches, and even 7 figures…
The formal name is e-learning, but you probably know it as info products, or quite simply, selling online courses.
E-learning and online courses are 300+ billion a year industry. It’s absolutely massive.
Here’s how this online course model checks the boxes: It’s a digital solution for a problem.
An info product can teach or show someone how to solve their problem.
Teach them how to get fit, learn to play guitar, become a copywriter, learn to code, pretty much anything under the sun.
Due to it being a digital product, you create it once (especially in an evergreen niche), and you have the potential to sell it over and over again. In other words, it’s repeatable.
Once you fine-tune your marketing funnel, you can drive traffic to it and it can become predictable, knowing for every X visitors to your page, you’ll generate Y amount of sales. In other words, it’s predictable.
And finally, once you have created the product and your funnel, due to the digital nature, there is virtually no extra effort or costs involved whether 10 people buy it, or whether 10,000 people buy it. In other words, it’s scalable.”
Thanks, Dirk, that’s incredibly interesting, and I’m sure that there are many people who want to learn from you and get the blueprint you’ve personally followed.
Dirk is holding a live online course webinar training today, where he breaks down the entire info product business model and blueprint he’s personally used to generate multiple 6 figures in sales online.
No fluff, and over an hour’s worth of training.
Dirk is even going to show you actual examples of real-world businesses in different niches following this exact online course model and making 6 figures, 7 figures and even 8 figures per year online with it.
Click here to register for the webinar.

I am Adeyemi Adetilewa, the Editor of IdeasPlusBusiness.com. I help brands share unique and impactful stories through the use of online marketing. My work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Hackernoon, The Good Men Project, and other publications.