Upcoming Fintech Industry Trends and How to Follow Them

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Written By Shawn Leane

Fintech is the field of technology that aims to provide solutions in financial services, such as banks and payment systems.

The fintech industry is projected to grow at a CAGR of 14 per cent from 2019-2025, which has made it an attractive investment option for investors. This article will discuss some of the most popular fintech industry trends so that you can make informed decisions about your investments.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad term that refers to any technology that makes it possible for machines to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. AI has been around since the 1950s, but it’s only recently become popular.

Some examples of AI include machine learning, which lets computers learn from data without being programmed; deep neural networks, which use layers of artificial neurons; and natural language processing (NLP), which translates text into another format so computers can understand it.

One popular use case for AI has been in financial services where algorithms can help traders make better decisions about their investments or risk management strategies. In this area, there are two main types: supervised learning and unsupervised learning.

Supervised learning means that a computer learns from something else (like an action plan), while unsupervised learning means there isn’t anything else for the computer to learn from—it must be given raw data already constructed into structures such as trees or graphs before being able to process them effectively.”

Artificial Intelligence

2. Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses statistical techniques to give computers the ability to “learn” with data, without being explicitly programmed. ML is used in many applications today, including computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing.

Machine learning can be applied anywhere you have large amounts of structured or unstructured data but lack the expertise required to make an accurate prediction on its own without human supervision.

For example: predicting what type of customer will buy your product or service; improving user experience by suggesting better products based on previous purchases; optimising advertising spend with the help of an authentic technology contact database.

3. Robotics

Robotics is the science, technology, and engineering of robots. Robots are machines that can perform tasks automatically and without human supervision. Robotics may be used to automate tasks that are dangerous or difficult for humans to do, such as surgery in which there is a risk of injury from errors made during surgery or manual labour (such as digging up soil).

The field of robotics has many applications in different industries including manufacturing, healthcare, military operations, and space exploration. People have been using robots for centuries but it was only recently that researchers began studying these machines’ behaviour patterns closely enough so that they could control them with precision – this became known as “robotics”.


4. Biometrics technology

Biometrics technology is a broad term for techniques that use biological characteristics to identify or verify users.

The most common biometric methods are facial recognition, fingerprinting, and iris scanning. Biometrics can be used in many applications including access control, employee management, customer service, and other areas where security is paramount.

Biometric technology uses the unique characteristics of people’s bodies (such as fingerprints) to identify individuals rather than using passwords or PIN numbers; this makes it more secure because it prevents hackers from gaining access via false identities.

5. Cognitive computing

Cognitive computing is a type of artificial intelligence that uses machine learning to solve problems and make decisions. Cognitive computing can be used in many different ways, from data analytics to personal assistants.

Cognitive computing can be used to help make better decisions, improve customer service and increase efficiency.

It is becoming increasingly common for companies to start using cognitive technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) or sentiment analysis on large amounts of data so they can get insights about their customers that would otherwise take weeks or months by simply reading through emails or other documents without any context at all!

Cognitive computing

6. Blockchain technology

Blockchain technology is a decentralized network that stores information in blocks. The information can be anything from financial transactions to medical records, and it is stored on thousands or millions of computers that belong to different users.

Blockchain networks are secure because the data stored in each block is linked together with a chain reaction, creating an unbreakable chain of blocks (hence the term blockchain). This makes it almost impossible for any one person or entity to modify any transaction without having access to all previous ones as proof they did not make any changes themselves and therefore cannot be accused of fraud due to falsified records!

How to Follow Fintech Industry Trends

How to Follow Fintech Industry Trends

Here are some ways to follow Fintech industry trends:

  • Track the latest news in the fintech industry
  • Follow the most popular fintech blogs and websites
  • Monitor the analysis of experts
  • Know what big Fintech brands do

1. Track the latest news in the fintech industry

The best way to get a sense of the fintech industry’s direction is to follow the news. It is important that you remain informed about what’s happening in your field, as this can provide valuable insight into what might be coming down the road.

You should also read as many reports on Fin-tech as possible, including those written by experts within the industry itself. Finally, keep up with developments by monitoring media outlets such as TechCrunch or The Wall Street Journal so that you stay abreast of any breaking developments that could affect your business strategy or marketing plan

2. Follow the most popular fintech blogs and websites

  • Follow the most popular blogs in your industry.
  • Follow the most popular blogs and websites in your country.

3. Monitor the analysis of experts

One of the best ways to stay ahead of the curve is by monitoring the analysis of experts.

Experts are an excellent source of information about what’s coming next in your industry, as well as opportunities for growth and success. They can help you identify trends and opportunities that will help you grow your business or provide new services at scale.

Know what big Fintech brands do

4. Know what big Fintech brands do

  • What are the latest trends in the Fintech industry?
  • What is the latest Fintech technology that is being used?
  • What is the latest Fintech innovation?
  • What are the latest products being launched by these companies? How will it affect your business or your customers’ experience if you don’t know about it yet?


The Fintech industry is going through a big transformation. The major players are adopting new technologies and exploring new business models for the future.

AI, machine learning, robotics, and cognitive computing will play a key role in creating these new products and services. In this article, we have discussed some of the upcoming trends in this space which will be useful to know about so that you can stay ahead of others in this field.

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