5 Simple Ways to Design a Website to Establish a Strong Brand Identity

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Written By Emily Parlmer

Websites are one of the primary requirements for businesses to maintain a presence in the realm of the internet.

Without a site, a business’s online identity is incomplete.

Websites play a significant role in creating and developing the brand image and helping the company in reaching out to an expanded potential market.

They can act as a tool that would provide the company with more market exposure, a better understanding of their potential buyers, and an enhanced customer service outlet that stays active 24/7.

However, designing a website that would function efficiently and provide the users with all the benefits mentioned above is not a cakewalk.

Businesses need to put in a lot of thought into the matter to come up with effective decisions.

Mainly, designing a website that would help a brand to stick to the memory of its audience with a well-established brand identity.

This requires businesses to contemplate the essential design elements and focus on strategizing them in a way that would back their brand values and promote them to the audience.

Doing the job of designing your website while using effective design strategies can help you deliver your business message to your online traffic in a significant way.

Furthermore, building your brand image at a platform that has the potential to grow further has lasting benefits, and that is why businesses should focus on this aspect.

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5 Simple Ways to Design a Website to Establish a Strong Brand Identity

5 Simple Ways to Design a Website to Establish a Strong Brand Identity

This article has a few tips that can help businesses understand how they can improve their branding strategy and use their website design to strengthen their brand identity.

1. Logo in your website design

The first step to make your web design focused on your brand identity is using your logo in your design.

It is not that a business should overuse the logo in the web design, but the appearance of the logo should be centralized.

Do this in an intelligent way so that the audience would not feel annoyed or overwhelmed.

You can also use your logo as an active, animated character or a chatbot who guides the visitors but do this only if it suits your brand values and the logo design that you use.

Looking at a logo frequently makes it a more memorable visual element for the audience, helping you make your potential audience familiar with your logo.

This leads to having a positive influence on their buying decisions later on.

However, it, in no way, means that you should place your logo everywhere on your site but rather it means that a logo should occupy a central position where the eyes are drawn frequently.

You can also use visual cues to guide your viewers’ sight towards your logo frequently.

Use this simple logo maker to make a free logo for your website

2. Use animated videos

Branding with your website means that you need to convey your business values and vision through the medium of a website design, which is quite complex.

Adding textual content to share your perspective and values may not function as efficiently as an animated video would do.

Videos are based on action, and thus, they can demonstrate what needs to deliver, making the impact even stronger.

Businesses can take help from video animation maker who can integrate their videos with a storyline or a character that would explain the details of their business values in a concise manner.

The reason why businesses go for video animations instead of plain videos is that animated versions can present data with more control on the content.

They can make the ideas appear in a particular way and carry them more precisely.

Moreover, animated videos are trending, and they are useful for catching the attention instantly and keeping them occupied for long.

3. Taglines and web content

Make sure that the headings, taglines, blogs, and other content on your website demonstrates your business values.

Put keywords that will endorse your business principles and explain your values from different angles.

The content should revolve around the core message of your business.

It will help you make your audience understand your values and vision in a more informative manner.

However, do not make the content boring by repeating the same points over and over again.

Make sure the quality of the content is impressive, and the writing style is distinctive and unique.

4. Color, images, and fonts

Web design includes some essential elements that are the images, color themes, and the font style that are used on the website.

These elements play a role in shaping the overall image of the website as well as the brand.

If you want to use your website as a promotional tool for your brand, strategize your choice of these elements in the design accordingly.

Use color themes that you use for your product branding and follow a similar font style as well.

It will make the viewer associate your brand with the website, and the memory of all the information that they will gather online will register with an association with your brand.

This will make the memory stronger and more recallable while presented with a clue.

Similarly, the choice of the images on your site should represent your brand.

Remember that color and visual elements are far more memorable than a text or even a brand name.

Make sure you build a strong visual identity on your website with the help of images that demonstrate and describe your values proficiently.

5. Maintain individuality

It is important to focus on maintaining a distinctive identity to establish a powerful brand identity.

You can use a distinctive theme to an emphasis on your individuality.

However, the more important aspect is to ensure that every element that you are using on the website is unique in its own way and does not give an impression of ordinariness.

Everything from your color theme to the interface of the website should catch the eyes because of its peculiarity while relating itself to your brand simultaneously.

You can use elements that will connect your website visitors with your brand in an emotional and personalized way to make them perceive as a unique entity.

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