Canada Super Visa Insurance: Answers to 10 Popular FAQs

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Written By Samantha Jones

Super visa insurance is a type of travel medical insurance specifically designed for applicants of the Canadian Super Visa program. It helps cover unexpected medical and dental expenses that your parents or grandparents might incur during their extended stay in Canada.

Super visa insurance is a mandatory requirement for obtaining a Super Visa in Canada. In this article, we explain everything you should know about Canada Super Visa insurance.

What is a Canada Super Visa?

A Canada Super Visa is a special visa designed for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents. It allows them to visit Canada for extended periods compared to a regular visitor visa. Here’s a breakdown of the key features:

  • Multiple Entry Visa: Unlike a visitor visa which is typically for a single visit, a Super Visa is a multiple entry visa allowing for multiple visits over its validity period.
  • Extended Stay: A Super Visa grants stays of up to 5 years at a time in Canada, much longer than the usual 6 months of a visitor visa.
  • For Family Visits: This visa is specifically for parents and grandparents reuniting with their family in Canada.
    Overall, the Super Visa offers a convenient way for parents and grandparents to spend significant time with their loved ones in Canada.

What is a Canada Super Visa Insurance?

Parents and grandparents wishing to visit their families in Canada can apply for Super Visa Insurance. The processing time for a Super Visa is anywhere from 8 days to 45 or 50 days, depending on the country your relatives are from.

The validity of a Super Visa is two years. And once that ends, your relatives can apply for an extension at least six months before it expires.

Your relatives do not have to stay in Canada for two years straight, but they can visit you several times since it is a multi-entry visa, providing multiple entries for up to 10 years. Therefore, there will be no need for them to apply for an entry visa each time they visit.

If the citizens and permanent residents of Canada want to bring their parents or grandparents over to Canada to visit them, having a clear understanding of how Super Visa Insurance works is crucial. It will prevent them from making common mistakes during the filing process.

*You cannot bring dependents on the Canada Super Visa, but you can bring your spouse or common-in-law partner on it.

What is a Canada Super Visa

Canada Super Visa Insurance Requirements

One of the primary requirements for Super Visas is that your relatives — parents and grandparents — need to obtain medical insurance coverage from a Canadian insurance company.

The health insurance obtained should be valid for one year from the date they arrive in the country and provide coverage of at least $100,000. Each time they enter Canada, their health insurance should be valid.

Refer to the following eligibility requirements for Super Visa Insurance:

  • You are allowed to enter Canada legally.
  • Proof of you being the parent or grandparents of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • You have acquired health insurance from an insurance company in Canada.
  • You have a signed letter from your child or grandchild who has created the invitation to Canada.
  • Your child or grandchild has provided their financial statement, stating they will support you during your visit to the country.
  • You have cleared the medical examination.

Canada Super Visa Insurance Cost

The cost of Super Visa insurance in Canada can vary depending on several factors but typically falls within the range of $100 to $200 per month for one person with a one-year policy. Here’s a breakdown of the key factors affecting the cost:

  • Applicant’s age: Generally, premiums increase with age as the risk of medical expenses rises.
  • Applicant’s health history: Pre-existing conditions can significantly impact the cost.
  • Deductible amount: Choosing a higher deductible lowers the monthly premium but you’ll pay more upfront for covered services.
  • Policy length: A multi-year policy might offer a slight discount compared to renewing annually.
  • Amount of coverage: Plans exceeding the minimum $100,000 coverage might cost slightly more.
  • Traveling as a couple: Purchasing a joint policy for a couple can be cheaper than individual plans.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Comparison is key: To get the best rate, it is wise to compare quotes from different insurance providers. Several providers offer online quote calculators for Super Visa insurance.
  • Minimum requirement is not always best: While the minimum coverage is $100,000, it might not be enough for extensive medical needs. Consider plans with higher coverage limits for better peace of mind.

Here are some resources that can help you compare Super Visa insurance costs:

  • Rate comparison websites: These allow you to enter your details and receive quotes from multiple providers.
  • Super visa insurance providers: Many Canadian insurance companies offer Super Visa insurance plans. You can find them through online searches.

What does Super Visa Insurance cover

What does Super Visa Insurance cover?

Here’s a breakdown of what Super Visa insurance typically covers:

  • Emergency medical care: This is the core coverage, ensuring financial support for hospital stays, doctor visits, ambulance services, and other urgent medical needs.
  • Hospitalization: If your loved ones require hospitalization, the insurance covers associated costs like room charges, surgery fees, and medications.
  • Repatriation: In case of a critical medical situation, the insurance may cover the cost of transporting your parents or grandparents back to their home country for further treatment.
  • Out-of-pocket expenses: This could include costs related to accommodation and meals during hospitalization. This depends on the coverage plan.
  • Prescription drugs: Coverage for medications prescribed by a doctor in Canada. This depends on the coverage plan.
  • Dental treatment: Emergency or accidental dental procedures. This depends on the coverage plan.
  • Additional healthcare services: Coverage for services like chiropractic care, physiotherapy, or acupuncture (depending on the plan).

Does Super Visa Insurance provide coverage for pre-existing medical conditions?

Super Visa medical insurance provides coverage for unforeseen and unexpected sickness or injury, requiring immediate medical attention, in Canada.

For instance, your medical coverage may cover the following medical conditions:

  • Flu
  • Fever
  • Stroke
  • Broken Leg
  • Unexpected complication of a stable pre-existing medical condition 

Your medical insurance will not cover a medical condition and/or symptom you experienced before your visit.

A pre-existing medical condition is defined as an illness, injury, or disease and symptoms that existed before, and, on the date, your medical insurance went into effect.

Some of those medical conditions include:

  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • diabetes

Most Super Visa Insurance companies may provide coverage for emergency medical expenses that arise due to a pre-existing medical condition, given it has been stable for 90 to 180 days.

In this context, stable means:

  • You have not experienced any new symptoms with the severity and frequency of pre-existing having been decreased and you have not undergone any tests that show that your medical condition has worsened.
  • Your doctor has determined that your medical condition has not aggravated.
  • Your doctor has not prescribed you any new prescription medication or a change in prescription medication that you are currently taking.
  • Your doctor has not suggested a change in medical treatment for your condition.
  • You have not been admitted to a hospital and/or you are not waiting for the results of a treatment you recently underwent for your medical condition. 

Canada super visa insurance requirements

Proof of funds to ensure you meet Canada’s minimum income requirements

The citizens and permanent residents of Canada need to provide their proof of funds to the Canadian government to become eligible to call their parents or grandparents to the country for a visit.

The Government of Canada has established these minimum income requirements for individuals calling their families to the country:

Size of Family Minimum Required Gross Income
1 Person (child or grandchild) $24,949
2 people $31,061
3 people $38,185
4 people $46,362
5 people $52,583
6 people $59,304
7 people $66,027
Over 7 People, for Each Extra Person, Add $6,723
*Effective from January 1 to December 31, 2018

What if your Super Visa to Canada gets rejected?

In most cases, the insurance company that you applied for Super Visa Insurance will either provide you with a full refund or a partial refund. 

You will be eligible for a full refund if you apply for it before the medical coverage goes into effect. You will need to provide them with a copy of the rejection letter with your request.

You will be eligible for a partial refund if you return to your country early or you become eligible for health insurance under the Government of Canada during your existing medical coverage. The insurance company will refund you for the number of days you did not use it. 

However, a cancellation fee may apply. You will not be eligible for a partial refund if you have claimed it.

Types of Super Visa Insurance Plans

Most Super Visa insurance companies provide you with two types of plans: a monthly health insurance plan and a comprehensive health insurance plan.

The key difference between a monthly health insurance plan and a comprehensive health insurance plan for Canadian Super Visas lies in the scope of coverage they offer. Here’s a breakdown:

Monthly Health Insurance Plan

  • Focuses on basics: This plan is likely designed to meet the minimum coverage requirement of $100,000 mandated by Canadian immigration authorities.
  • Limited coverage: It might cover essential medical emergencies and hospitalization but may have exclusions for certain treatments, out-of-hospital services, or pre-existing conditions.
  • Lower premiums: Due to the limited coverage, monthly premiums tend to be lower compared to comprehensive plans.

Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan

  • More extensive coverage: This plan goes beyond the minimum requirements, offering broader protection for medical needs.
  • Additional benefits: It may cover out-of-hospital services like doctor visits, prescription drugs, ambulance services, and even dental care (depending on the plan).
  • Higher premiums: The wider range of coverage typically comes with a higher monthly premium compared to basic plans.

How to choose the right Super Visa Insurance Plan

They can guide you into choosing the right Super Visa Insurance plan according to your requirements.

They will provide you with information on both types of plans and will tell you which one is most suited to you based on your current circumstances. This is necessary to ensure that you do not choose the wrong Super Visa Insurance plan. 

It is also a good idea to note down any questions you may have for the insurance company beforehand. You are encouraged to ask questions, so they can address your concerns at this stage.

For people who do not need a visitor’s visa to travel to Canada, they too can apply for Super Visa Insurance to visit their loved ones. 

Be sure to get the insurance from a reliable insurance company in Canada. Once you have an insurance plan, you can apply to Canada to visit your children or grandkids. 

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