6 Top Reasons Why Electric Car Leasing Is Right For Your Business

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Written By Pete McAllister

Electric vehicles have genuinely taken the world by storm with innovative technology that can lend a hand in saving our planet.

Going green has become an international recommendation as more and more people are becoming aware of the real impact of our choices on the environment.

However, beyond the eco-friendly benefits, many business owners may be wondering whether these vehicles would actually be able to provide their brands with any impressive benefits.

Leasing an electric vehicle through Intelligent Car Leasing will ensure business owners can avoid the initial upfront investment of these cars that often boast high purchase prices.

Here are just some of the benefits that leasing these innovative vehicles can offer your business.

6 Top Reasons Why Electric Car Leasing Is Right For Your Business

1. Maximum buying power

One of the most charming aspects of leasing an electric vehicle for your business is simply the fact that you will be able to avoid the almost crippling high purchase price of these vehicles.

As several electric car leasing companies will either insist on a significantly small deposit or even no deposit at all. This means that you will be able to drive an electric car for just a modest monthly fee.

Therefore, radically reducing your companies expenses substantially.

Purchasing even a conventional vehicle is often not a logical option for startups considering a large initial payment could potentially set profits back long-term.

In addition to this, the fact that new and improved models are hitting the market at an impressive rate purchasing a pricey electric car may hinder your ability to drive the next state-of-the-art model any time soon.

However, by leasing instead, the option to regularly be driving the newest electric car model is undoubtedly a plausible reality. 

2. Lower running costs

Keeping business expenses low can be tricky, especially if you are currently using a gas or diesel vehicle to manage your business’s transport.

You may not be able to reduce transportation and business traveling costs unless you make the switch to a green car.

Electric cars have been made famous not only for their attractive eco-friendly benefits but also for their low costs of running.

Fuel-efficient gas and diesel options simply cannot compare to the fuel efficiency of an electric vehicle.

Further reduction of your business expenses means the solution of leasing will likely result in an impressive increase in your profit margins.

Cash flow is at the forefront of managing business finances appropriately.

And because this factor has the ability to make or break a business, it would be wise to always consider the most affordable option.

3. Enjoy the benefits of a green business image

The most pressing reason to consider driving a green car is logically the green credentials that are associated with the decision.

However, when adopting green vehicles into your company, you wouldn’t just be able to relieve yourself of environmental guilt, but you would essentially be building a green image for your company.

Rather than being seen as a bombastic business owner driving a gas-guzzling truck, you would be able to appeal to the masses who have their hearts set on avoiding businesses whose actions damage our planet.

Essentially, a significant reduction in expenses and an impressive surplus in your profit margins may not be as pleasing as the aspect of a positive business image considering this aspect will likely expand your target audience to drastic new heights. 

4. Tax benefits

Thinking about the impacts of the global environmental crisis is enough to startle anyone, which is precisely why governments from around the world are encouraging drivers to rather opt for the eco-friendly methods of driving.

While there has been speculation surrounding the potential ban of gas and diesel vehicles, for now, green vehicle drivers are able to take advantage of several alluring tax benefits.

As leasing conventional vehicles already boast incredible tax benefits for business owners, opting to lease an electric vehicle would simply amplify the fact.

Startups and small businesses often struggle to cut costs when cash flow issues become a growing concern, which means that this affordable solution will likely suit businesses in any industry. 

5. Take advantage of low maintenance

Extremely low maintenance may be one of the more overlooked and underappreciated aspects of electric cars. Even though this aspect is incredibly beneficial for drivers.

While leasing would ensure maintenance costs are not your concern, you would still be able to rest assured that your business has a reliable vehicle for travel needs.

Because these cars are comprised of far fewer working parts in comparison to gas and diesel cars, there is essentially much less to maintain. And this will result in super low maintenance and incredibly high reliability.

Larger scale businesses that opt for leasing green vehicles for executive staff members would likely discover that the low costs involved would allow ultimate peace of mind regarding vehicle reliability. As well as fuel efficiency for their valued employees. 

6. Affordable solutions for any size business

It is hardly a secret that more than half of startups and small businesses are unable to keep their efforts afloat after the second year.

And while there are several impacting factors that lead to business failure, cash flow issues, and high business expenses are among the most common.

While many business owners feel buying a vehicle for their company would be logical, the only alluring benefit of ownership cannot compare to the many benefits of leasing.

The fact that leasing offers businesses of any size affordable vehicle solutions suggests that purchasing vehicles are unlikely a suitable option at all.

Especially when taking into account that cars depreciate in value from the second it leaves the showroom and therefore, ownership would necessarily be a negative factor.

Rather than risk the financial stability of your business, it would be wise to consider the affordability of leasing an electric car.

While several significant benefits, as mentioned above, list only the most notable electrical aspects that business could take advantage of, there are really countless reasons why leasing is far more suitable in comparison to buying an electric car.

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