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Top 5 Trend For Creating Impressionable Visuals for Marketers

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Written By Editorial

Marketing is a constantly evolving field. It has changed dramatically with the advent of the internet and continues to change further with time.

This means that as a marketer, you must constantly update yourself in order to be successful. Sure isn’t easy! Every marketing niche has its own trends. Trends that define the world of marketing today and trends that shape the future.

This is especially true of a growing style of marketing in the 21st century, and that is visual marketing.

Before we dive in, let us first understand what visual marketing is. Simply put, visual marketing is the idea of using photos, graphics, videos, and other visual content in order to effectively market a product or a service.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Visual marketing is a promising field, and every marketer must know about it. One should also know, there is one thing that every visual marketer is obsessed with creating impressionable visuals.

And to master the art, plenty go to great lengths such as taking up healthcare marketing media internship, online certification courses, and so on. Read more about healthcare marketing here. But to create impressionable visuals in today’s time, even that is not enough. 

One must have an understanding of what is trending in the world of visual marketing, and for that very purpose, we have listed below five trends that every marketer must know about for creating impressionable visuals:

1. 360-degree visuals

360-degree visuals have now become a mainstay on most popular platforms, especially Facebook and YouTube.

360-degree visuals no longer need users to own VR headsets (although it does help) in order to enjoy it. This means that an entirely new avenue for visual marketing has opened up. 

Pro tips

  • Create 360-degree videos such that they are as immersive as possible
  • Do not incorporate obstructive branding in your videos that may take away from the joy of watching

2. Ephemeral visuals 

Impressionable Visual Marketing: 5 Growing Trends TodayWhat started off with Snapchat’s attempt at enabling users to share more private content without compromising on their privacy has now become ubiquitous on all of the social media

I’m talking of those brief 24 hours-only content that disappears by default after a day or lasts for a user-determined time. Marketing via such content is known as ephemeral marketing. 

Pro tips

  • Keep in mind that ephemeral visuals rely on FOMO. One needs to tap into it in order to grab more eyeballs
  • Do not post too many times in a day as that might push people away
  • Keep the messaging short and something that easily registers

3. Minimalism 

Minimalism has taken the modern world by storm. It is the mantra that an increasing amount of people now swear by. 

But what exactly is minimalism? Minimalism is a movement that is defined by intentionality, simplicity, and purpose. 

In keeping with its definition, minimalist visuals have a lot of empty space and look clean. Minimalism is the go-to design language of most UI (user interface) today. 

Minimalism is effective as it creates the impression of a bold, modern brand that is ready to take on the world.

Pro tips

  • Never overwhelm the reader with too much information as that is a major turn off
  • Remember the mantra of “bright and light” – keep it simple yet bright enough to grab attention
  • Ask yourself what the purpose of of the visual is, and center your visual around that only – do not stray too far away from the message

4. Infographics 

Infographics are an amazing way to crunch massive statistical data and turn it into an attractive visual which easily registers in the mind of the reader. 

Infographics can be defined as a visual representation of data that is intended to present information in an easy to understand, visually appealing manner. 

A good infographic will:

  • Crunch and analyze data
  • Present the data using a bar graph, line, graph, etc.
  • Draw a clear conclusion

Therefore, it takes a lot of effort, alongside practice in order to build that infographic which sticks in the mind of the viewer. 

Pro tips

  • Before you start creating your infographic, rehearse in your mind the message that you want to convey
  • Keep it as minimally textual as possible – speak with your graphs
  • Try not to fill in too much data, but keep it simple and minimalistic

5. Presentations 

Impressionable Visual Marketing: 5 Growing Trends TodayThe days of presentations being restricted to corporate boardrooms are passé. Presentations are now seen as a brilliant way to get your point across without boring your audience or bombarding them with too much information. 

Besides, if you are not good with presentations, thanks to the internet, you now have a ton of resources online that can teach you anything. Be it how to make a presentation, how to make a video a gif, or even how to make a meme!

Keep in mind that a good presentation has the following things:

  • Made up of short pointers like this one
  • Visually clean and bright
  • A good amount of photos
  • Graphs when necessary

Pro tips

  • Use presentations when to have to get a longer, more informative message across
  • Maintain a consistent font style, color, and theme – you can use pre-made customizable templates
  • Do not make the presentation too long or bland

In conclusion: Visual marketing trends

Creating impressionable visuals is an art that takes years to master. There are certain qualities that every great visual marketer has:

  • An eye for detail unlike anyone else
  • A keen sense of what is visually appealing and beautiful
  • The ability to present data in an attractive manner

That being said, let me also tell you that all of these qualities can be developed, provided you put in the right amounts of effort and try to be a cut above the rest.

Marketing as a field is intensely dynamic, and the trends change frequently depending on technology, cultural shifts, and so on. A successful marketer is one who changes with the times. 

So it is important for you to get into the habit of perpetual learning, which leads to growth. As it is said, great things never come from comfort zones. So get out there and make yourself known.

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