8 Step Guide to Succeed in Twitter Marketing for Personal Branding

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Written By Kiera Hayes

With more than 336 million monthly active users worldwide as of the first quarter of 2018, Twitter is one of the biggest social networks worldwide. Becoming a source of facilitating customer and user engagement, brands and businesses have been trying their best to exploit the prowess of Twitter.

Twitter’s ability to help brands reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness is the prime reason that Twitter marketing is becoming a compulsion for brands. 

Achieving brand visibility is a challenge for most of the brands. Using several social media channels available at their disposal, businesses are trying hard to score their permanent presence in the social circles of their target audience.

Since this blog post is about Twitter and the marketing strategy on it, you will learn more about using your brand’s Twitter channel to reap the benefits of your social media strategy for this platform.

So, what are the most basic things that you should keep in mind while crafting your Twitter Marketing Strategy in 2019? Let’s find out.

1. Prior Planning: Your goals 

The initial stage in every strategical discussion is about determining the goals and ambitions of the strategy. Here’s you will have to begin by determining the goals of your Twitter Marketing strategy. Your blog strategy can be for your business, your eCommerce store, or even when you are starting a blog or a website.

Begin with asking yourself the question, “Why is your brand on Twitter?” 

This will not be as simple to answer as it seems. After a good amount of homework, you will eventually realize your brand’s current business objectives. You might arrive at the following questions while trying to answer the question above.

Your brand wants to build upon social customer base, wants to generate leads and sales, wants to build brand and product awareness, or engage with customers for customer support purpose. 

However, you will have to make sure that you are coming up with measurable goals instead of aiming for just theoretical success. Your goal sheet should be very specific and should mention figures and numbers.

Make sure that you involve your team in this goal-determining activity because it will help them identify with your vision and hence, act in the direction.

2. Tweet Bank 

All your Twitter marketing shenanigans are going to be based on the tweets that you send out to the users on the platform. Making sure that you are bringing these 280 characters to justice and are able to send out the right message and engage your audience as intended is not always going to be easy. Also, a smart Twitter brand account doesn’t rely on sending out random tweets.

It is imperative for a brand or an organization to plan their tweets ahead of time. Having a tweet bank is a compulsion because it lets you maintain a flow of broadcasted messages, in an intended structure, and having them all planned out reduces the last minute hassle. 

Having a tweet bank is important to stay organized in your tweeting patterns. Deciding your tweeting frequency is also a great thing to do because sending out your tweets at the right time to capture the right amount of engagement is a compulsion.

3. Sarcasm & Humour are hot

8 Step Guide to Succeed in Twitter Marketing for Personal BrandingIt’s 2020 and sending out a plain, and boring Twitter activity is going to do no good to your Twitter Marketing strategy.

Take Wendy’s and Netflix’s Twitter account, for instance. They are absolutely loved by the people of the Internet due to their sarcastic and humorous content.

Try implementing some of that into your own Twitter marketing strategy.

4. Personalized Twitter Customer interactions

If you are a brand or a business that uses Twitter to interact with their customers, having a personalized approach in the conversation is going to take you a long way.

The audience hates to be generalized and giving them that attention can not only earn their loyalty but also out your brand forward as a brand that cares about its audience.

5. Make your Twitter handle a platform for conversation and not just broadcasting

Gone are the days when Twitter was solely used by brands to post their important updates. In 2020, plan to take your Twitter marketing strategy a few steps ahead and make your Twitter handle a platform that churns conversations aimed at helping your customers and leads rather than being just a post-and-get-it-away-with social media account.

Listening, learning, and responding has become an integral part of any business account’s Twitter strategy.

Aimed at listening to and addressing the customer’s grievances and queries, the ‘Listening and Responding’ strategy has effectively managed to lower the customer support cost for brands. It has also helped them engage with their customers on an interpersonal basis.

6. Look into your competition’s strategy

This is the smartest way to excel at your own Twitter marketing strategy; studying and gathering information about your competitors’ Twitter marketing.

You must carefully study it to find out the strengths and weaknesses of their strategy. It will help you dig the competitive analysis and make sure that you pick up their strong points and expel the weak ones.

7. Tap into the engagement driven by Videos & Hashtags

Twitter growth hacks include driving engagement using the right hashtags and creating high-quality video content as well to take advantage of the most efficient Twitter marketing strategy.

Following trending hashtags and involving your brand’s content with a better video strategy is going to help your brand boost its reach.

8. Use Twitter Analytics to measure results

Analyzing your Twitter using advanced Twitter reporting tools will help you understand Twitter better for gaining maximum engagement.

You will be able to understand how users are engaging with your posts and you will be able to track and gather relevant data around the performance of your brand’s marketing strategy. Tools like Twitter Analytics and Twitonomy can immensely help you track and hack into your Twitter growth metrics.

Conclusion: Twitter Marketing for Personal Branding

Twitter marketing in 2020 is not going to be very different from what it was in 2019. With the implementation of certain new Twitter trends, you can definitely scale up your brand’s customer engagement, connect with your peers, customers, and turn your brand’s Twitter into a great digital resource for your customers and prospective leads.

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