Have you ever considered starting a career in a skilled trade job but you are scared to follow through? Then this is for you. All too often, people tend to think that going to a four-year college is the best route to take in order to have a fulfilling and successful career.
And while attending a four-year college or university may be a great route for some, it isn’t for everybody. Just because a person doesn’t choose or can’t afford to go to a college or university, that doesn’t mean that they won’t have a lucrative career.
True enough, employers do ask if you have a degree, and it certainly looks good on a resume, but did you know that only 27 percent of college graduates are working in the field of their major? That means 73 percent of people are working jobs that aren’t in their field and are most likely very unhappy.
You, on the other hand, don’t have to have that career outcome. If going to a four-year college isn’t in your budget or in your interests, consider a job in the trades.
In fact, in most cases, jobs in the trades are much more lucrative than jobs that most people have four-year degrees in. As you grow in your trade job, you’ll not only be able to negotiate your salary based on your value but you are also enhancing your trade skills.
Here are some of the biggest reasons why you can have a promising career in a skilled trade job:
1. Daily enhancement of trade skills
In skilled trade jobs, you are working with your hands every day, and by doing that, you are enhancing your skills every time.
When working, in whatever role you have, you always want to do good, right? It is never really anyone’s intent to be a bad employee or worker. But all too often, people get degrees in fields that they can’t get a job in, leaving their education to slowly fade away. By the time they finally get a job in their field, they’ve forgotten everything they learned in college.
One of the great things about these trade careers is that they don’t usually take a lot of schooling. For potential jobs, this ensures a shorter time to work (three to six months of education or traineeship vs multiple years of college) and a lower cost of obtaining a degree.
By working a skilled trade job, you won’t ever forget your skills because you are improving them every day. No job is ever the same, so every day is an adventure and new learning opportunity. It sure beats the monotony of going into a nine-to-five every day.
2. Immediate Experience
Before being eligible for productive jobs, certain occupations require the implementation of a four-year degree program. Some people will be put off by the prospect of going back to school.
Apprenticeships are common in many professional trades. This helps you to get started on projects and related jobs right away and learn from learning. As a student, you can start developing your career in the trades before you graduate from high school and earn more than poverty wages.
Many post-secondary schools have programs for young people to learn from experienced teachers and receive credits against high school diplomas and Level 1 vocational trades certification.
3. Never-Ending Job Opportunities
Electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, and contractors… There is never going to be a time where those sectors are overly saturated.
How many times have you went on a job board and looked at various job postings and saw “many applicants” in the description? That message is an indicator that you are likely of landing that job is going to be very slim due to all the people applying for it.
With a job in the trade sector, the job opportunities are endless. True enough, some of these jobs require certain licenses before you can take on any jobs but that is okay.
The requirements to get licensed for certain trade jobs are way less tedious than a four-year degree, and you have the potential to make lots more money. For example, to get licensed as a contractor, sites like RocketCert offer online training.
4. Job Security
Many people hate going to work when they wake up in the morning. They can feel stuck in a death trap career or dissatisfied with their current duties.
Many in the professional trades have selected their area of specialization and have discovered whether or not it is anything they love doing by preparation. As a tradesman, you are likely to have talents that you are excited about, which helps ensure work satisfaction.
5. Career Growth
Everyone wants to climb that “corporate ladder” but it doesn’t always happen. To climb a corporate ladder takes a level of commitment that most people don’t have.
You see, most people in typical jobs can work and do their responsibilities without needing to put in any extra hard work. So basically, you can have career growth as long as you put in the effort to do so.
With trade jobs, career growth is inevitable simply because your work every day enhances your skills, and your skills show through the work you do. The better you get at your trade, the faster you get your work done, allowing you to take on more jobs, and ultimately, make more money.
6. High Demand
With much of the Baby Boomer generation aging out of their trades positions and more ventures beginning that include construction workers, welders, carpenters, roofers, and other professionals – the need for professional craftspeople is strong.
Talking about the USA, 70 percent of construction firms around the country are having difficulty finding the workers they need. As a result, many professional jobs may assume a degree of career protection that other specialist occupations do not.
People still need their roofs fixed and their vehicles serviced, despite the fact that no job is 100 percent safe. That employment will be done by the area professional trade staff in the near future.
7. Future Need
With a whole generation of employees retiring or about retiring, there is a greater need for professional tradesmen in many markets.
The baby boomers who once controlled the blue-collar industries have cleared the way for those now entering the workforce, as well as those who have already done so. Based on your venue, there might be a large enough need to have additional benefits and training programs.
People who work in the professions are often able to see the results of their labor. In other words, since they are actively designing, repairing, or working on objects, tradesmen are aware that they are having an impact on the environment. As a result, tradespeople are more satisfied with their employment.
One of the best aspects of these occupations is that the majority of their employers are members of labor unions. This assumes they are covered by a trade union, which guarantees that they are paid fairly and receive excellent benefits.
You don’t have to go to a four-year college or university to have a successful career, and statistics show you that you can earn more working a trade job than you can with a degree in many cases.
Don’t let the stigma of trade jobs being at the “bottom of the totem pole” make you feel like it is lesser than a typical job. Skilled trade jobs are growing in popularity and are taking the job market by storm.
I am Adeyemi Adetilewa, the Editor of IdeasPlusBusiness.com. I help brands share unique and impactful stories through the use of online marketing. My work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Hackernoon, The Good Men Project, and other publications.