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Greater Employee Motivation Equals Better Productivity

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Written By Henry Clay

According to an authentic survey, it has been seen, only 13 percent of the total employees on average remain motivated.

So what about the rest of them? Well, they contribute lesser than their capability.

And what if all the employees are motivated? Then the blue moon is not so distant to reach out. 

Let me start with a story. Have you all heard of Thomas Alva Edison? Yes, the famous scientist and a great industrialist.

His factory has been burnt in the fire when he was at the peak but he didn’t deceive or dismantled his motivation.

It is only his positive gesture that motivated his employees and the people of his surroundings to rebuild his factory.

Not only that but with his will power he went more ahead with his team to achieve a higher peak than that of the destructed one. Who has been benefited finally?

Only Edison? No, but all the staff who used to work for him, had faith for him and were motivated to achieve the goal even from scratch.

There are so many factors relegating to the topic that can pop out.

But two basic questions are required to be answered to understand the idea of motivation and the role of it to enhance productivity.

Well, the first question encapsulates “why” and the second one talks about “how”. 

  • Why do some employees remain demotivated and why are some employees motivated? What are the factors?

Let’s start with question number one.

Intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivation

Greater Employee Motivation Equals Better ProductivityIt is to be believed that there may be two types of motivations.

One from the inner self and another one is from the outer elements.

Let’s see first, what can be the Intrinsic motivation?

If any staff can internalize a motivational attitude into the embodiment of the soul, the staff will start working with more energy as he/she starts exploring the job with an optimistic perspective and some good challenges.

Expectation success is a key instrument to keep an employee motivated.

We are somehow entwined with the expectation as we are flesh and blood humans living a mundane life.

So if the expectation can be achieved by working a particular design, it keeps motivating for achieving the greater one and an employee remains motivated from inside.

Curiosity is another pivotal exponent to develop intrinsic motivation among employees. The question is how?

If an employee is driven and trained to be imaginative the employee must engender a sense of curiosity. Curiosity can drive an employee towards the potential enrichment in the job as well as a career.

Another gruesome factor is potential emotion which needs to be positive enough to lead an employee working passionately on a project.

All the same, an important thing should not be wiped out from an employer’s grey matter that along with a dynamic training to intrinsically motivate a staff, there requires a great amount of sympathy and attachment with the employees.

The methods are implemented in a very humanistic way.

If we come across the idea of extrinsic motivation, two things certainly flash out, one is ‘Reinforcement’ and another one is ‘Reward’.

These two ‘R’ are arduously required from an employer’s point of view to drive the employees motivated. Reinforcement can both be positive and negative.

Negative reinforcement like punishment can manipulate an employee to enhance the quantity and quality of workload but it is a very short time procedure.

Sometimes negative reinforcement seems to be inelastic as an employee may not continue to be motivated due to an indispensable fear.

On the other hand, positive reinforcement includes positive criticism, rewards, and recognition. The reward itself has a different criterion to be implemented.

But a positive reinforcement can be inculcated as an external stimulus generated by the immediate senior or the boss to foster the psyche of motivation to build more productivity.

The study reports of various surveys reportedly present data which indicates that intrinsic motivation is way more beneficial for the long time goal than extrinsic motivation.

1. Biogenic and sociogenic factors

It is an important theory which replicates, there are two types of doctrines, one says human beings are born motivated or the genetic factors are superlative to derive the motivational stimuli in the human body.

It is a very naturalistic philosophy much more associated with biological evolution, on the other hand, the sociogenic theory focuses more on social stimuli like the influencer, the social atmosphere, and the method of upbringing.

This factor is not as stiff as the biogenic factor is. The variables can be manipulated here to receive a better outcome.

There are multiple studies to churn out the ideal way to develop the idea of controlling these sociogenic factors for better productivity.

2. Theory of organization humanism

This is a very scientific model that is studied to develop the intrinsic factors of motivation amidst the staff to create a notion of sensibility, comfort, and gumption.

In this theory, the extrinsic factors like work design, management, and personal empathy can be the key elements to charge the intrinsic elements.

The systemic management or set up, according to this theory, should be the way, an employee’s requirement and time management can be fulfilled.

Personal wellbeing is emphasized here mostly to get a better professional outcome.

A birthday celebration of an employee by the whole team including the bosses can be seen as the recognition of the nuances an employee’s personal life.

A proper job timing or time adjustment for sufficing some personal necessity can create a personal attachment between the employee’s personal and professional self.

This theory is brought into action by the experienced human resource teams of many big farms and the success rate is quite high.

So we can understand how organizational behavior can be instrumental to delicately develop a sense of responsibility by achieving intrinsic motivation for the job.

Now let’s come to the question “How”. How to implement several ideas and methods to lap up a better outcome in terms of productivity?

In simple words what are the ways to motivate staff?

3. Job design

Job designing is the most important way to create a notion of daily motivation for staff. First of all, a job needs to be simplified for an employee to construct better comprehensibility.

The easier a job seems to, the better the chance of intrinsic motivation to be developed in an employee’s psyche. Next is job rotation and shift rotation.

An employee needs changes in the study of the area otherwise monotony may prevail.

If a student is to read the same subject or the same topic through an academic year, the student gets bored soon.

To stray the congestion from the mind, it is prescribed to follow the subject rotation. The same goes for an employee. On the other hand, Rotational shifts may mitigate the boredom of the job life.

Job enrichment, to top at all, can help an employee finds the reward and recognition by taking responsibility for more work.

If an employee is proved to take care of more responsibilities, it is the sole duty of an employer to provide that.

Job enrichment in a job module has always been proved as a better model to grow motivation in an employee and enhance productivity for the organization.

4. Work atmosphere

The work atmosphere is another key element for motivating the staff of a company to lead the organization towards the pinnacle of productivity.

The atmosphere can be improved for the employees in an organization by developing beautifying the office, by structuring a great cafeteria or playroom.

This will help an employee resurfacing the mind by adapting motivation as well as by casting out boredom.

There may be some quotes on the office board or some discussion about sports or motivational personality that can turn an adrift to the community and motivate the person to be a part of teamwork.

5. Independence and teamwork

Greater Employee Motivation Equals Better ProductivityThese two factors are to be implied simultaneously.

Individual freedom and teamwork, these two binary ideas should be enmeshed to create a strong module for motivation.

If an employee requires individual freedom to publish or render the work appropriately, the work of the staff should not be intervened regularly.

On the other side, he or she needs to be trained holistically to develop a sense of teamwork.

The different training sessions can be conducted to incur the importance of teamwork.

Not only that, but they are also required to be engrossed in team meetings and encouraged to participate in taking responsibilities for other tasks.

Good teamwork always keeps an employee motivated.

6. Transparent communication and errorless Culture

Communication among the employees, or between an employee and the employer should be transparent.

The target should be stated in a very lucid language and an employee should be encouraged to state the feedback and suggestion.

Drifting away from the ego or power is the key element beyond the better productivity of a company.

Also, the consciousness of the company’s culture to create a strong social zone for work is very important.

It has been spotted many times that an employee seems to be humiliated by others for a particular reason.

The idea of professional and generic stereotypes always fosters the stronger by any sense to discourage the weaker.

A company needs to aim for dispelling any such nonchalant attitude or incongruity from the culture of a company.

Again, Gender consciousness should be implemented as well as Gender cells should be there in a company for the practice of equality.

7. Valuing the individual’s subjectivity through rewards and recognition

The individual’s psyche is better adapted to subjectivity.

So, emphasis should always be given on an individual employee’s suggestion, idea, and subjective thinking rather than treating the person objectively.

A good quality suggestion should immediately be recognized and rewarded.

A creative vision can never be structured only from the hierarchy or an individual, as no such developing company would be a Nazi party!

8. Incentives to motivate

Practically speaking, money is the real honey in this globalized world where everyone dreams to be a global citizen instead of a local one.

The comforts need to be bought in the present era of professionalism. That’s why the better incentive for better performance always keeps an employee motivated.

Two instances in general

So far we have witnessed different reasons to be motivated as well as some methods and measures to keep an employee motivated.

These are some fundamental factors discussed. Apart from this, there can be other experimental methods for the same.

This topic should be culminated by saying a perfect commitment to the work comes from a gruesome motivation and this motivation can be perpetuated by a flawless commitment of an employer towards the employee and the gesture should always be humane.

To drive the employees for better performance for better productivity, the epitome of motivation should be created from the workplace itself.

So it should be the concern of an employer to be an ideal epitome to be followed by the employees so that many new influencers can be prepared to develop a better productive society.

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