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Golf Course Lawn Care Tips For Golf Managers

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Written By Adeyemi Adetilewa

Golf courses are known for their manicured lawns, and achieving that level of perfection requires a lot of hard work, knowledge, and expertise.

Golf course lawn care is an essential aspect of maintaining a high-quality playing surface for golfers. The condition of a golf course’s grass can affect how the ball rolls and bounces, and it can also impact the overall aesthetic of the course.

Maintaining a golf course lawn is essential for keeping the greens looking lush and beautiful. A well-maintained golf course lawn enhances the playing experience and attracts more players to the course. However, keeping a golf course lawn in excellent condition is not an easy task. It requires a lot of effort, time, and money.

In this article, we will provide you with some tips for golf course lawn care and give you an idea of how much it costs to maintain a golf course lawn.

What is Golf Course Lawn Care?

What is Golf Course Lawn Care?

Golf course lawn care is the process of maintaining and managing the grass and turf on a golf course to ensure it is healthy, aesthetically pleasing, and functional. This includes mowing, watering, fertilizing, aerating, and controlling pests and diseases.

Proper golf course lawn care is critical to the overall playing experience, as well as the health of the turfgrass.

Golf Course Lawn Care Tips

Here are some essential golf lawn care tips for golf managers today:


Aeration is the process of creating small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass. This helps the grass grow healthier and stronger.

Aerating helps to relieve soil compaction and promote healthy root growth. Aeration should be done at least once a year, preferably during the off-season.


Fertilizing is an essential aspect of golf course lawn care. Fertilization is the process of adding nutrients to the soil to promote healthy grass growth.

Fertilizing is crucial for providing your golf course lawn with the nutrients it needs to thrive. Golf course grass requires a specific balance of nutrients, so it is essential to use the right type of fertilizer and apply it correctly.

Too much fertilizer can lead to excessive growth and create thatch, while too little fertilizer can cause the grass to become weak and susceptible to disease. Use a slow-release fertilizer that provides balanced nutrition, and apply it at the appropriate times based on your grass type and climate. Fertilization should be done four times a year.


Watering is also critical for golf course lawn care. Watering is crucial for maintaining healthy and green grass. However, it is essential to water the lawn appropriately.

Golf course grass should be watered deeply once or twice a week, depending on the weather conditions. Over-watering can lead to fungal diseases, while under-watering can stress the grass and cause it to dry out and die.

Water deeply and infrequently, and adjust your watering schedule based on the season and weather conditions. The best time to water a golf course lawn is early in the morning or late in the afternoon.


Mowing is one of the most important aspects of golf course lawn care. Mowing is essential for maintaining the proper height of the grass. Regular mowing is good for maintaining a healthy and attractive golf course lawn.

Mowing prevents the golf course grass from becoming too long and unmanageable. Mow at the appropriate height for your grass type, and never remove more than one-third of the grass blade at a time. Golf course grass should be cut to a height of 0.5 to 1 inch, depending on the type of grass.

Mow more frequently during the growing season, and less frequently during periods of drought or dormancy. Mowing should be done at least once a week during the growing season.

Weed control

Weeds can be a significant problem on golf courses, as they can compete with the grass for nutrients and water. It’s important to use herbicides to control weeds and prevent them from spreading.

Disease Control

Golf course lawns are susceptible to a range of diseases that can damage or kill the grass. Regular monitoring and treatment can help to prevent and control these issues.

Pest Control

Pest control is another essential aspect of golf course lawn care. Pests can cause significant damage to golf course lawns and make them less healthy and less attractive.

Pests that commonly attack golf course lawns include grubs, chinch bugs, and sod webworms. It is essential to identify the pests that are prevalent in the area and take appropriate measures to control them.

To control pests, it is essential to use the right products and apply them correctly. Pest control should be done regularly to prevent the spread of pests and diseases.

How much does a golf course lawn care cost?

How much does a golf course lawn care cost?

The cost of golf course lawn care varies depending on the size of the golf course, the services required, and the location.

On average, golf course lawn care can cost between $5000 and $10,000 per year. The cost of aeration can range from $100 to $300 per acre, while the cost of fertilization can range from $50 to $150 per acre. The cost of pest control can range from $100 to $500 per application.

It is important to note that the cost of lawn care can vary depending on the company you hire. It is recommended to obtain multiple quotes from different companies to compare prices and services. You should also ensure that the company you hire is licensed and insured.

Here are some general guidelines for estimating the cost of golf course lawn care:


The cost of aeration can range from $0.10 to $0.25 per square foot. For an 18-hole golf course with 7,000 square feet of greens, this can cost between $700 and $1,750.


The cost of fertilization can range from $0.05 to $0.15 per square foot. An 18-hole golf course with 150 acres of turf, can cost between $36,000 and $108,000 per year.


The cost of the watering can vary depending on the cost of water in the area. For example, in California, the cost of water can range from $1.00 to $5.00 per 1,000 gallons. For a golf course that uses 500,000 gallons of water per day, this can cost between $500 and $2,500 per day.


The cost of mowing can range from $0.02 to $0.06 per square foot. An 18-hole golf course with 150 acres of turf, can cost between $21,600 and $64,800 per year.

Weed control

The cost of weed control can vary depending on the type of herbicide used and the size of the course. An 18-hole golf course with 150 acres of turf, can cost between $20,000 and $30,000 per year.

Golf Course Lawn Care Tips


Golf course lawn care is essential for maintaining a healthy and beautiful golf course. The tips discussed above can help golf course managers improve their lawn care practices.

When hiring a lawn care company, it is important to obtain multiple quotes and ensure that the company is licensed and insured. By implementing sustainable lawn care practices, collaborating with local experts, and using technology, golf courses can reduce their environmental impact and maintain a healthy lawn.

In summary, golf course lawn care is a crucial aspect of golf course management. By following the tips discussed in this article, golf course managers can ensure that their course is always in top condition.

Additionally, by collaborating with local experts and using technology, golf courses can improve their lawn care practices and reduce their environmental impact.

When it comes to the cost of golf course lawn care, it is essential to obtain multiple quotes and ensure that the company you hire is licensed and insured. By implementing these best practices, golf courses can maintain a healthy and beautiful lawn that will attract players and visitors alike.

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