5 Top Digital Outdoor Advertising and Benefits to Small Business

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Written By Kevin Saptel

Outdoor advertising is one that is in public places and is aimed at an undetermined audience.

1. Billboard

This is perhaps the best-known type of outdoor ads that I am sure each of us is aware of. It refers to a large advertising fence that is located in high-density areas.

Usually, the posters have a slogan, along with the products or services offered for sale.

The lines used in a billboard should be short so that people are able to read it when they drive.

2. Mobile advertising

It refers to the ads that are seen on the sides or roofs of cars and other vehicles.

Many companies consider using their company’s cars for this type of advertising and even pay to place ads on the cars of others.

Traffic advertising can be different signs on buses, taxis, and bicycles.

Here we could also frame aerial advertising: light aircraft with a message, hot air balloons.

3. Street furniture

Advertisements can be placed on any element of street furniture: street lamps, telephone booths.

Bus shelters are one of the most common places for advertising placement.

The advantage of advertising methods at the bus stop is that it cannot be ignored or turned off. In addition, a wide range of audience is reached.

4. Bright and digital

They are neon signs and other advertising elements illuminated in such a way that they are perfectly visible at night.

You can also see digital screens installed on billboards more and more often where short advertisements are shown.

5. Advertising tarps

Advertising canvases fulfill a double function.

On the one hand, announce something and on the other often cover the facade of a building under construction.

Large billboards can convey your advertising message with great impact.

If the same customers see the poster every day on the way to work, yours is probably the first business that is thought when you want to buy a product.

Outdoor advertising continues to be a major claim in marketing. The signage on fences, facades and other places it is an essential element for attracting potential customers.

Importance of outdoor advertising

5 Top Digital Outdoor Advertising and Benefits to Small Business

The large-format signage, better known as outdoor advertising, represents a significant percentage of direct customer attraction.

So companies must have a good advertising service of this style so as not to lose possible applicants for their brand, product or services.

In times of digital advertising, there are many businesses that undervalue outdoor advertising, making a big mistake for the following reasons:

  1. Great impact rate when taking the product, brand or service to the street.
  2. Very direct advertising (people see it without having to access it on purpose).
  3. Brand image in buildings and public places: when seeing it on the street, people are almost unconsciously associating the brand image with the company.
  4. Competitive prices.
  5. Outdoor advertising reaches all types of users, of all ages, social classes, and nationalities.
  6. It allows for enormous creativity.
  7. It promotes differentiation within a market niche.
  8. Outdoor and digital advertising must complement each other in order to improve their effectiveness.
  9. Subliminally it appears in people’s daily lives, in bus shelters, large murals on facades, fences, mono posters and even in means of transport such as buses, planes, taxis or trains.
  10. Identify the building or places where the company is located.
  11. They can become true works of art.
  12. They help signal business

We could continue to a large number of reasons why outdoor advertising is a safe bet for the marketing of any company. But the main one is that it helps the advertiser to achieve their goal.

Which is nothing more or less than gaping a place inside society to sell or bring to the customer what it offers through its products or services.

Benefits of combining outdoor advertising with digital

In a technoscientific society such as ours, advertising and digital marketing are essential.

However, combining it with off-line or outdoor advertising, the results will be much better and will reach a much wider audience.

Since digital alone, neglecting elderly or overly young clients, thus losing money and positioning.

Many companies such as restaurants, shops, medical cabinets, beauty centers, etc.  forget the importance of carrying out a complete communication plan.

Which in addition to including online advertising, contemplates the outside when it is, in the first instance it is even more basic since it is the one that every user can easily access.

Some agencies have the best-qualified professionals with extensive experience to advise companies in everything related to advertising. With special emphasis on outdoor advertising and putting the maximum passion in all your work to achieve the most surprising results guaranteeing the best result.

6 Great benefits of outdoor advertising

We spend more and more time away from home and outdoor advertising is an excellent solution to make contact with your customers while moving from one place to another.

Outdoor advertising is an excellent visual proposal, coverage increases and the number of people who see it increases.

It gives your brand fame and prestige, setting the memory and creating emotional ties with the people who see it.

The 6 great benefits of outdoor advertising, keys to your brand are:

  1. Popularity:  you will have a great influence on the people who pass and some are your customers.
  2. 24 hours a day of advertising! You have the opportunity to raise awareness by having direct contact with your audience, being part of their daily experiences and customs.
  3. Immediate coverage is seen by a large number of people constantly creating a direct experience with your brand.
  4. You can choose the most convenient location for your brand, where the public with whom you would like to get to know and understand your needs and tastes better, having the opportunity to make a change of direction during your campaign, an option that with other means is not possible
  5. Efficiency: low cost per impact, you invest less for the great benefits that your brand obtains.
  6. An excellent location guarantees the success of your campaign. You can be much more accurate and precise, inviting the consumer to visit your business, buy your brand, or perform other actions that favor you.

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