Top 10 Things A Career Woman Need to Know About Employment Rights

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Written By George S. Azadian

As of late, a career woman have the same rights as a man. This is a great balance between the genders and one that should have happened a long time ago.

However, women are still considered a “weaker gender”. Sadly, many employers use the opportunity to their own advantage when hiring a woman for the job.

Believe it or not, discrimination in the workplace is very common nowadays. Most career women feel the sting of it on a daily basis.

If you are one of them, you should consider getting legal help.

So when exactly should you look for representation and legal advice from an employment law attorney in your location?

Here are some situations which will require legal involvement and the things that every career woman should know about.

1. Discrimination is ILLEGAL

Any type of workplace discrimination is always and forever illegal. There is no excuse for discrimination, and no one should tolerate it.

There are many different types of workplace discrimination, and sadly, women are usually those who are discriminated against.

Most common types of workplace discrimination are based on:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Political views
  • Skin color
  • Disability
  • National origin
  • Relation (to someone who is being discriminated against)

No matter where you are from or what your name is, or what the color of your skin is, you should not feel discriminated at any point.

Be sure to report the one(s) discriminating against you to your superiors.

If that does not help, contact EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and seek their help and protection from further discrimination.

2. Retaliation

Did you know that 51.6 percent of all workplace discrimination claims are filed because of “retaliation”?

Whether you have said something that made your employer mad, or if they felt uncomfortable or diminished because of something that you have done or seen, the chances are that you will be retaliated against.

Retaliation in the workplace can come in many different shapes, such as:

  • Missing a raise
  • Missing a promotion
  • Not being given the overtime work
  • Getting moved to another working position
  • Being asked to work for certain holidays
  • Getting fired
  • Being mocked, discriminated and harassed

If you are experiencing any type of retaliation for unknown or known reasons, speak with the employment law attorneys in your location, seek their counsel and learn about your rights.

Perhaps you are wrong and you are just imagining things.

However, if you are right, employment attorneys may help you seek justice. Be sure to get in touch before it is too late.

3. Harassment at work

With already challenging work, you want to focus on getting paid without having to worry about others bothering you.

Usually, if you are experiencing any of the following, you are being a victim of sexual harassment:

  • Inappropriate comments
  • Bad jokes
  • Hostile work environment
  • Quid pro quo

4. Quid Pro Quo

As a career woman, it is essential to understand what quid pro quo is and how to recognize it.

Also, you should seek legal help the moment you realize that your employer has offered you a “quid pro quo deal”.

Whenever you are presented with a deal that is “too good to be true”, your employer (superior, manager) may require certain things in return.

This usually involves sexual favors of any kind. That being said, look out for the following:

  • Promise of promotion
  • Benefits
  • Employment opportunities
  • More work hours
  • The promise of additional work (overtime)

Remember that you have the right to file a lawsuit against your employer if they are putting you in danger or asking inappropriate things from you.

Call the employment law attorneys in your area and schedule a consultation right away.

5. Equal treatment

Top 10 Things A Career Woman Need to Know About Employment Rights

Did you know that most career women earn less than men? Well, even though that is extremely common, it is not always the case.

Sometimes, being offered less than your male coworker for the same position is against the rules and regulations. You may be able to sue your employer or file a discrimination complaint.

Also, every employee has the right to fair and equal treatment. Keep that in mind every day.

6. Pregnancy requires special treatment

When you get pregnant, your employer has to treat you with “special care”.

If you are not yet allowed to go on a paid leave, while at work, you should receive certain benefits such as not being asked to lift heavy load and being allowed to take more breaks.

7. Paid jobs as a career woman

Most career women prefer to work in paid jobs, rather than working at home and taking care of their families.

However, most women are faced with both types of work (both at the workplace and at home), which puts a lot of pressure on them.

Some of them find it difficult to progress at work, while others are stressed out by all the work and responsibilities they are faced with.

Be sure to split your house chores with your partner to remove some of the stress on from your shoulders. This will allow you to work better and give better results.

8. Female workers are usually better organized

Did you know that most workplaces should have about 30 to 40 percent of female workers?

According to a study conducted by Gallup and ILO, having about 40 percent of female workers increases the following in every workplace:

  • Organizational dedication
  • Reduce burnout
  • Increase job satisfaction for everyone in the workplace

Do not let anyone tell you differently. Fight for your rights and try and convince your potential employer (with this data) to give you a chance.

9. If a guy can do it, so can you!

Most jobs can be done by both male and female workers.

As a career woman, you should be open-minded and think of any working position as an opportunity to prove your skills.

Think of it like this: if a guy can do it, you can do it too. That attitude will help you get a better position in any workplace.

10. Protection from any kind of abuse

No woman should be forced to tolerate any type of workplace abuse. Whether it is physical or verbal abuse, it creates stress and puts you in a very bad situation.

If you are experiencing any type of abuse in the workplace, visit your local employment offices and speak with a law attorney immediately.

The experienced and seasoned attorneys will help protect you and your legal rights, and if eligible, they will help you file a lawsuit against your employer.

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