Pandemic was worse in many ways than one. People died. The economy fell apart. Everyone was forced to stay inside their home.
But as they say, criminal minds never stay silent. In fact, the FBI reported an increase in the cases of break-ins last year, which was approximately 6 percent higher compared to the reports registered in 2019.
Now that was more about what was happening outside your business premises! What about the ones who are inside and harming your bottom line? Surprisingly, as per a survey, more than 70 percent of employees admitted stealing once from their employer?
Quite disturbing, right?
Precisely this is why installing video surveillance systems are on the rise. The best part is that approximately 65 percent of the burglaries can be avoided thanks to these devices. This might be the reason there are more than 20 million CCTV cameras active across the world.
In fact, the world has swiftly transitioned from analog technology to digital surveillance systems to provide a better or seamless monitoring system to businesses.
But what if you run a business in places like West Palm Beach, where the crime rate is approx. 100 percent higher than the entire country’s rate?
It would be very stressful, right? If you are still thinking, why do I need this? Keep reading, and you’ll find your answers right away!
1. Video Surveillance Helps You to Run a Business Smoothly
As an enterprise owner, you’ve to do many things to expand your business. You can’t be available at your physical location all the time. And what about those out-of-town official visits or business trips? Can you afford to work efficiently if you can’t take your mind off from the official proceedings?
In such a case, video surveillance systems come in handy. For instance, if you own a store with video surveillance, you’ll have an idea of whether the store opened on time. Plus, you’ll have access to the footage, where you can check the real-time workflows.
It is like even if you are thousands of miles away, you won’t have to worry about the day-to-day operations.
2. It Enhances Security of Your Office Premises
This is the obvious benefit of using digital video surveillance for your business. It won’t only capture but will store the video as well. You can easily see what is happening at a particular moment within or around your facility. Having it installed on your premises will allow you to:
- Reduce the chances of theft by your employees
- Lower the probability of break-ins or vandalism
- Enhance the security of your employees and customers
And if by any chance, your business faces some issues, it will help you gather evidence for further procedures. Plus, since modern technology allows more comprehensive coverage, going for security systems in West Palm Beach will enable you to spend less on the systems and infrastructure. Isn’t that amazing?
3. It Enhances Employee Productivity And Desired Results
The trick is simple. With an electronic surveillance system, the managers won’t have to keep monitoring their team members. So, they will use that time to do something productive and fruitful for the growth of the employees.
Obviously, this will help to improve the productivity and efficiency of the employees. Various studies confirm that installing surveillance systems in restaurants saw around a 22 percent drop in theft. But that is not even the surprising part. With video surveillance systems in place, it saw around a 5 percent rise in profits as well.
In other words, employees made sure to improve their productivity to earn their way up.
4. It Lowers Down Sexual Harassment Cases in the Workplace
This might seem not so important with all the guidelines being followed strictly at your workplace. However, that does not imply it won’t ever happen. So, be a little proactive and install video cameras at your workplace to avoid any such disputes.
Plus, it will help you provide a fair chance to each of the employees to prove their innocence. Let’s not forget that such cases can hamper your position in the market as well. Can you afford to do that when the economy is already trembling?
Now that you know the benefits you can gain access to with video surveillance, the following are some of the most prominent reasons you should get one right away.
5. Monitor The Activity of Your Business Anywhere Anytime
Various businesses don’t consider this advantage when installing CCTV support at their premises. However, with the modern technological advancements in this industry, one can easily monitor every single activity from literally anywhere.
Whether you are using mobile devices, laptops, or tablets, you won’t miss out on any incident happening at your place when you are away for professional or personal reasons.
6. Cost-effective Method That’s Easily Scalable
Being restricted to analog systems makes it physically impossible to take everything from one site to another, especially if you grow into a bigger firm. With digital technology, this is not a worry anymore. You get quality images with an opportunity to monitor the activities from wider angles.
In other words, you’ll require lesser infrastructure for doing the same task. Plus, archived video feeds would take less space compared to what analog feeds used to take. Moreover, if your company is growing, digital systems would grow proportionally without creating much hassle.
But what do such video surveillance systems offer? Let’s find out!
Many small business owners often think that no one will harm their business because they are just starting. However, there are many incidences known where SMEs were usually the target of criminal minds. So, you must install this system and get a plethora of benefits.
Don’t know what that could be? Let’s find out below:
- Most control systems offer tracking or recording of the visitors coming into your organization.
- Provides you a unified control over the overall security system.
- Allows you to integrate security solutions with the gated systems.
Other than that, these systems can be customized to meet the needs of your organization. They also offer intrusion detection to many areas, such as entrances, rooms on specific buildings, parking areas, garages, and more.
Such systems not only help to reduce the crime rates due to external factors, but they are also quite beneficial for things happening inside your office space.
Wrapping up: Business video surveillance decoded
Whether you own a retail shop or a multinational company, security measures need to be in place to avoid any possible intrusions or other mishappenings.
Remember, you can only grow if you protect your assets (that includes your employees). And luckily, this modern security equipment enables organizations to observe everything happening within or around their premises. This is especially true if you are living in areas with higher crime rates (such as West Palm Beach).
And the best part is that these systems are highly customizable. You don’t have to choose the type of security any other business is using as it is. You can opt for options that will work in your favor.
Don’t let the overwhelming insights or increasing crime rates stop you from making your business grow. Install high-quality and modern security systems and get on with your business.
Remember, if you can’t manage your business, you won’t be able to scale it higher as per your desires and goals. You don’t wish that to happen, right?

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